By 2002 it's probably fair to say that Communication for Survival has evolved (or is it thesis, anthesis?) to become Sharing Our Future.

Click on the logo to read about Sharing Our Future.

Link to Best Practices and information about participatory communications - CFS style. Click here if you want to take a look at the 1997 Communication for Community Survival participatory grassroots communications conference.The communication for survival initiative is a coalition of volunteer groups and agencies on the west and sou'west coasts of Newfoundland, Canada, using grassroots communication tools to promote the survival of rural communities.

Jim Marsden speaks about the "new resettlement program." But to hear him, you will need a VivoActive plugin for your browser. Click the logo below-it only takes about three minutes to download with a 28,800 connection.

The Communication for Survival steering committee last met at "the centre", site of the 2001 first Atlantic grassroots communications special event FM Radio simulcast.

- A release from CFS - September 16, 1997

The steering committee of Communication for Survival has decided the initiative will continue. We are extending an invitation to any individual or group that wants to participate in our process. A meeting is scheduled October 2nd and 3rd, in Stephenville at the W.E. Cormack Centre. The purpose of the meeting is to provide updates on ongoing activity and discuss plans for future events. Thanks to the College of the North Atlantic journalism program, we will be producing live television programming on Thursday.

Tom Hutchings, executive officer for the Long Range Regional Economic Development Board, is contact person for the Communication for Survival initiative. Tom (left) participates in a Future of Work in Rural Newfoundland phone-in panel on Ramea Broadcasting along with Elaine Keeping of the Burgeo Communication for Survival committee and Larry Peckford of Human Resource Development Canada. Click the photo to send Tom a message.

Elaine Keeping, who originally named the initiative in June, 1995, was contact person for Ramea Island. The volunteer Ramea Economic Development Corporation (REDC) is a CFS sponsoring partner. Elaine shows us a national community economic development award won by REDC.

Dave Cooper, former program director of the community owned Burgeo Broadcasting System (BBS), was community contact for the Burgeo CFS committee. Dave is working with a BBS volunteer.Click here for more information on Burgeo.

The Lourdes CFS committee produced weekly programming on a community controlled television channel. Storytime is always popular.

Bob Cormier is contact for Communiquer Pour Survivre, representing the Francophone communities of the Port au Port Peninsula. L'Association du Regionale Ouest (ARCO) is a sponsoring partner of CFS. ARCO produces programming on a community radio station and a community television channel. Melinda Oliver (left) and Roxanne Rouzes demonstrate the ARCO studio equipment.


We are still building a Communication for Survival site. Stay tuned. Originally we sponsored a list serve and a web site on The Enterprise Network, who have been very supportive over the past two years. Unfortunately a short-sighted provincial government once again eliminated innovative services to rural Newfoundland. Last summer it was rumored that an award-winning and internationally renowned system of regional community access telecentres would be replaced by an 800 number. This link now takes you to Links, situated - need we say - well within the overpass.

"Telecentres are set up in rural and remote locations that assist individuals and businesses in developing skills in information and technology, with the goal of developing a more competitive rural economy."


However, for the time being, the Communication for Survival list serve is still active on the Enterprise Network. Well, sort of, you can take a look but you can't post messages about rural Newfoundland and Labrador. (March 98 update: The form is still there but Links has now cut the link to the bulletin board itself. And, big surprise, they also removed the link to this site.)

Check out the work of volunteers at the grassroots, participatory Communication for Community Survival conference, sponsored in Stephenville, Newfoundland in March by Communication for Survival, Westviking College and the Long Range Regional Economic Development Board.

Click here to view three photo pages on the history of Participatory Communications in Newfoundland and Labrador.

This is a link to the page created to tell people about plans for the 1997 conference. It was originally on the Enterprise Network site.

Click on the logo if you are interested in going online for the latest news and new links from CFS Newfoundland.