Ryakuga Hot Spot

In September 2015 the Fogo Marconi site was once again
connected to the world thanks to Ryakuga's long distance
wireless internet systems.

Dan and Tracey set up the Marconi Interpretation
Centre as a repeater radio station for Feile Tilting 15.

Feile Titling's global internet radio audience was
able to listen to Gayle Tapper play her harp live from the
Slipway in 2014 - also using Ryakuga's new wireless internet

In a collaborative participatory communication project -
September 18 to 21, 2014 - we added another antenna to
St. Patrick's Hall.

As well as the 105.9 FM antenna, we set up Point to Point
wireless internet to enable webcasting of music, poetry
and story telling from the Slipway.

During the event, festival coordinator Dan Murphy offered
to provide wireless internet to the workshop in the firehall
on the other side of the harbour.

Community Accounts Workshop: - "Culture & Heritage - Our Way
To Grow". A two day conference on using cultural resource
mapping within "Community Accounts" to build a successful cultural
tourism industry on Fogo Island. Segments of the conference
were broadcast on community radio and anyone interested in
sitting in on the conference was invited drop by the
fire hall anytime throughout the program.

Ryakuga delivered high speed internet from St. Patrick's Hall
across the harbour and used wireless routers to set up a
Hot Spot in the fire hall.

Communities interested in utilizing a Ryakuga Hot Spot
for a conference or special event can contact Ryakuga at allthevoices@ryakuga.com