Youth for Social Justice Camp '90 Report


The working committee would like to extend thanks to a number of people and organizations for their assistance.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial and material support of the following agencies for their financial and material support; CIDA Youth Initiatives, OXFAM - Canada, Newfoundland -Labrador Human Rights Association, Canada World Youth, Department of Provincial and Municipal Affairs - Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Memorial and Municipal Affairs - Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Memorial University - Division of Extension Services, St. John's OXFAM Cttee., United Church PeaceFund, Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, Canadian Council for International Cooperation - Atlantic board, Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Youth Serving Agencies, Employment and Immigration Canada - Challenge 90, St. John's Peace Centre, Project North, Provincial Advisory Council for the Status of Women, CUSO Belize- Newfoundland Linkage, Youth for Social Justice - Peace A Chord, R. C. Office of Social Action, National Film Board, Coalition for Fisheries Survival, and Parks Canada.

Thanks also are extended to the following individuals for their valuable support; Sharry Aiken, Alison Dyer, Anne-Marie Carew, Louise Ellis, Joanne Harris, Gwen Lawson, Ray Mackay, Rebecca Moyes, Don Murphy, Martha Muzychka, Theresa Newcombe, John Phippard, Dave Johnson, and Jerry Vink.

Special thanks to the following returning campers for their assistance; Alan Doody, Leah Lewis, Karmella Perez, Trevor Quinlan.

Dana Warren deserves warm thanks for the many long hours she dedicated to her position as coordinator.

Thanks to the on-site staff at Kildevil Lodge.

Most of all, thanks to all those young people, Canadian and Caribbean, who participated with such spirit and initiative.

Working Committee - Youth for Social Justice 90
Fred Campbell
Camille Fouillard
Bruce Gilbert
Philip Lewis
Evelyn Riggs
Neil Tilley
Pats Conway
Dana Warren

October, 1990


Youth for Social Justice Camp '90 was held at Kildevil Lodge in Lomond in Gros Morne National Park from August 10 to August 19. The camp was the third of its kind and was part of ongoing work with youth groups active on social justice issues within the province

As in previous years, Youth for Social Justice Camp assembled young people from communities throughout Newfoundland and Labrador for a week of educational activities designed to build awareness of development and social justice issues, and to encourage and equip young people to organize around issues which concern them.

This year, for the first time, young people from outside Canada were present. Two teams from different areas in the Caribbean were among the participants, representing youth concerns in their own particular region of the developing world. A delegation from the National Youth Council of St. Vincent and the Grenadines attended, their presence made possible through the assistance of CIDA and OXFAM - Canada. A team from Belize was also present, their participation made possible through the CUSO Belize - Newfoundland Linkage Project. The presence of young people from the developing world constituted a major strength of this year's event.

Teams from two native communities in the province were among the participants. Representation from native communities had been recommended by organizers of previous camps, and their involvement was appreciated and key to some valuable learning at this year's event.

The participation of young people from the Caribbean and native communities meant that a number of development and social justice issues relating to their experience were highlighted within the camp agenda of activities.

Enhanced organizational capacity allowed the Camp to accommodate greater numbers of participants this year, and over 80 young people attended. A number of communities within the province were represented for the first time.

The educational approach employed was a non-formal one, based loosely on the principles of popular education. Experience has shown that these techniques facilitate high levels of participation from the many different groups in attendance.

The week offered workshops on the following issues; Cross Cultural Awareness, Media and Society, Environmental Awareness, Gender and Society, Understanding Economic Issues.

Skill Development sessions were offered in the following areas; song-writing, photography, video, media-watch, newsletter production, popular theatre. A construction workshop produced a mobile display which was subsequently presented to the recently established Coalition for Fisheries Survival.

The development of communications skills was built into the agenda of camp activities. Resources were on hand for the production of daily video report and a daily newsletter, SOUND AND VISION, and participants were encouraged to make use of them.

A number of actions were initiated during the weeks events, the most notable being a statement of support for the Coalition for Fisheries Survival, and another in support of the Innu struggle against the militarization of their homeland.

Representatives from the following agencies are active on the working committee; St. John's OXFAM Cttee., Memorial University - division of Extension Services, Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Office of Social Action, Project North, Canadian Crossroads International, Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Association.


The objectives stated below are similar to those of past Camps but also reflect the importance placed on the participation of the international teams from the Caribbean. They are as follows;

_ To provide a forum in which young people from across the province, the Caribbean, and native communities assemble to share concern and experiences regarding their role within the development of their communities and world.
_ To empower young people with the necessary tools to speak out and take appropriate action on social justice issues, and to provide young people with the opportunity to network.
_ To create critical awareness of issues that relate to social justice and development within both the local and broader global context.

_ To establish and maintain a Network of individuals, contact groups, and associations in the province which are capable of, and interested in, promoting social justice issues and advancing youth leadership at the community level.

Cross Cultural Awareness Session Summary

To build our understanding of our own culture and the cultures of others, so that we can live together in a more tolerant, peaceful world.

Objectives: To share and discuss our cultures and communities.

To get us thinking about our own stereotypes and ways we can address them.

To set the tone for the camp/have fun/get to know each other.

Method and Context:

The principle methods used during this day long session were small group discussion, brainstorming, community mural painting, gallery tour of murals, mini-presentations, word association/fill in the blanks, photo analysis, reflection on significant learnings and evaluation.

Overall this session began with the learners experience by asking them to discuss and examine the concept of culture.

In community groups, the participants were then asked to design and paint culture murals representing their specific culture and community. Each group was asked to present their mural to the large group after all participants had had time to "tour the gallery". After lunch the session shifted focus slightly and began to look at the concepts of cultural differences, misunderstanding and stereotypes. The "Assumptions: What Do You Say?" exercise and the "Photo" exercise attempted to help people to become more aware of how we all have our own misconceptions and stereotypes and how we can deal with them. Links were made between assumptions, stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination.


It is always difficult to conduct a session with 90 people and this session was no exception. Overall the community group mural paintings worked very well. Evaluations show that people would have preferred more time together in these groups, and that they enjoyed the opportunity to share their culture. Some participants felt that the facilitators talked too much, some felt that the session was not active enough and most felt that they really did learn more about the concept of cultural differences, stereotypes and the need for tolerance.

Gender and Development Workshop


1. To begin to identify "gender" - attitudes, behaviors and stereotypes, and how these affect us in our lives and society.
2. To define "development", and examine women's roles and men's roles in our communities.
3. To provide information and educational tools that we can bring home and use.


The workshops began with a warm-up: around the circle 1-word reaction to a magazine ad: "A beautiful woman is like a nuclear power plant." This was followed by a role-play where all the participants took on the role of a member of the opposite sex attending a Rural Development Conference in Clarenville, first during a cocktail party and then at a morning workshop discussing men's and women's roles in community development.

Some of the learnings which came out of the discussion that followed included: "We felt stupid, funny, upset, embarrassment, lost..Each sex doesn't know about the other..Most women portrayed men in 'power positions': owners of companies; most men portrayed women as being concerned about shaving their legs; our sex shouldn't determine our job, etc... Sexual stereotypes are rooted in misunderstanding and non-communication...The role reversal was difficult...Men and women should share equal roles at home and at work...Some women blame men for any of their positions in society or the workforce that are seen as stereotyped and unacceptable...Society, environment, advertising, inside ourselves, parents, friends, media, religion influence our attitudes and stereotypes...There has to be more intense communication...A lot of work needs to be done. #1 priority to make rights of men and women equal..."

The Workshop went on with the creation of body sculptures depicting a "men's development machine" and a "women's development machine". The film "No Way, Not Me!" about women and poverty in Canada was shown. Some information on the global situation of women was provided at the end of the film.

The following are some of the comments from the discussions that followed the film: "We found the film educational, depressing and informative. We learned the depth of sexism in our society. The situations in the film were applicable to our communities as well as to the rest of Canada...We were shocked by the stats...The film was misleading, one-sided and biased...We learned there was more poverty than we realized and more of these people were women...In our community, we feel that in unemployment the poverty is equal, yet in employment the men seem to be making the money...Racism and sexism are the same, more than people realize; they are both forms of discrimination...Sexism exists with both sexes, although it is only displayed by females. Females speak out...Women are still a long way from equality...There is only equality between men and women if you want it...Overall men are in power...The opression men and women experience is different. Women are oppressed for being feminine, and men seem to be oppressed for being sexist and having more power."

In a brainstorm on defining "development", one group came up with the following definition. Development is: the positive growth of a community; the advancement of our physical place and our understanding of others in our world; education starting early, motivation, confidence, equal opportunities, women in men's positions; greater participation of those now unable to participate; enabling people to live to their full potential; opening of the mind; redistribution of wealth, resources and power; take domination out of development; more equality, communication between sexes, support groups; recognizing qualities, values and gifts of both sexes in developing communities.


The evaluation of the workshop included an evaluation of "gender parity" in the workshop and the camp: did the male/female participation reflect the male/female numbers at the workshop or camp? The feedback on the workshop was fairly positive; participants felt they had learned a lot. The roleplay was enjoyed by both workshop groups. One group highly praised the film, the other found it very biased. In the first workshop, the brainstorm on defining "development", and the discussion on what we can do in our lives to change things, were slow - too much talk. Suggestions were made to improve this part of the full-day session which have been incorporated in the workshop outline included in the appendix. The suggestion was also made to have both a male and female facilitator for this workshop.

Environment Workshop Report
Social Justice Camp


We are all educators. The challenge we face is to weld environmental awareness into a coherent, relevant and meaningful framework, so that it functions as a normal part of our daily lives. Recognizing we all have something to offer and to learn from each other is a good place to start.

The primary beliefs of the environment workshop espoused upon at the camp are:

1. environment is everyone's concern
2. the environment must be examined in terms of culture, politics, social development, economics and technological advancement
3. the environment must link global issues (thinking) to local action
4. sustainable development must be equitable meet human need, maintain ecological integrity and promote social self determination

The overall goal of the workshop is to create an awareness of the linkages between global environment issues and local development, so that the social justice participants can integrate practical environmental education and action into their daily lives. Achieving this objective in a three-hour workshop is a difficult task. The workshop design focused on local issues and sustainable development. By utilizing a map of Newfoundland and Labrador, participants identified environmental issues related to their community and province.

The examination of the issues enabled the building of a collective mural highlighting protection, conservation, health, hazard, destruction and depletion. This participatory event helped the participants learn more about themselves and sustainable development.

The second part of the workshop focused on linking global issues to local initiatives. Consumption patterns, fragile ecosystems, plundered resources, climatic crises, waste and squandered energy resources were presented as major issues confronting us as people of the world. Participants took part in a game (How green are you?) to see how aware they are of their actions and knowledge of environment. This activity helped the young people realize how little they knew about the environment and the products we use. The workshop participants also participated in a group poetry writing exercise to create an environment message using a creative tool.

The final part of the workshop is a field trip to Trout River. The purpose is to examine the environment of the community through videotape and interviews with local people. The field trip is a vehicle for participants to check out the new discoveries they made in the workshop.


At first, most participants thought the workshop was going to be a telling exercise rather than a participatory learning event. The success of the workshop hinged upon starting where the young people were. It also had to be fun and creative. The popular education methods enabled everyone to participate and demonstrate their knowledge and action concerning environment issues. They also learned that more knowledge is needed and environmental action is urgent to deal with our problems here and abroad. The field trip did not pan out to be the link between local and global issues. The problem is the time frame was too tight for reflection and analysis. It should have provided the opportunity for the exchange of new ideas and linking with the concept of think globally, act locally. The workshop was successful to the point that participants learned about themselves and their environment and shared their ideas for action. Participants were encouraged to join local environment groups and to start campaigns in their community. All participants received copies of What We Can Do For The Environment and Local Action Brings Worldwide Results. Participants will receive information on new environmental initiatives as follow up to the camp continues.

Workshop Summary: Media and Society


_ To encourage a critical awareness of the role of media.
_ To examine questions relating to media control and ownership.
_ To examine the way the mainstream media represents certain groups within society.
_ To decode messages being transmitted through specific media forms, ie. advertising.


The workshop was held twice with variations between the two. The facilitators adapted a number of activities from MEDIA AND SOCIETY, an educational package recently produced by the National Film Board.

An initial discussion highlighted questions on the ownership and control of media ownership and implications.

A subsequent activity entailed dividing into 4 small working groups, each with the task of assembling a collage representing dominant messages being transmitted in mainstream magazines regarding a certain group within society. In de-briefing this exercise, the group is asked to explain its findings; questions arise regarding the nature of representation, accuracy and commonly held myths.

A related small group activity focused on advertising and set the task of examining messages and values expressed within a selection of advertising in mainstream magazines. Following this exercise, the groups are invited to work together to produce a piece of promotional material - a poster, or video clip -, paying particular attention to the nature of the idea being promoted and the approach used.

A further activity focused on the relationship between media and larger cultural questions. MAGIC IN THE SKY, a National Film Board production dealing with the impact of TV in Native communities in the Canadian North and experiments in community broadcasting, was used as a resource. Discussion dealt with the impact of TV on our cultures, drawing on an earlier workshop to help us define that term. Discussion followed on opportunities available for involvement in community broadcasting.


The small group work on representation and advertising was enhanced by a high level of participation, and generated some valuable learning. The question of stereotyping in media was mentioned by many in evaluation as important new learning. The session of media and cultural issues was somewhat more challenging in terms of content but also useful. Workshop Summary:
The Big Picture - Understanding the Global Economy


_ To build and consolidate our understanding of key economic issues; control and distribution of resources, community participation (or lack thereof) in determining economic development.
_ To situate community and local economic issues within a global context.


In the morning, participants were divided into three smaller workshops. Two of these groups participated in different "town meeting" roleplays designed to raise questions on the nature of what constitutes sound economic development. A third group participated in a Rich Person Poor Person exercise, designed to raise awareness more specifically around questions regarding the distribution and control of resources.

The two roleplays, one a simulated activity within a Canadian context and one within a Caribbean one, were adaptations of the "The Mufosa Hydro-Electric Dam", an exercise described within BASICS AND TOOLS, a CUSO Handbook of development education activities. The first simulation involves a pineapple plantation being proposed in a Caribbean country. The second, a mining project being proposed in an underdeveloped region of Atlantic Canada. Each participant is provided with a general description of the situation at hand, and a specific role to take on within the context of a simulated town meeting.

The de-briefing following the roleplay provides an opportunity to look at certain key questions in understanding the economy and economic development; Who are the principal actors? Where does the power lie? Who controls the resources? How are decision made? What are the natural alliances? Who gains? Loses? etc.

The third group participated in a Rich Person Poor Person meal in which they are further divided into three groups which are introduced into a situation where resources - in this case the meal itself - are distributed in an equitable manner. Again, an effective de-briefing of the exercise is essential in order to collectively identify important questions and learning points.

As a final morning exercise, all three group are asked to come up with a list of players or actors which they identify as important within both local and global economic development.

The afternoon session brought the entire group together for a sculpture activity where participants refer to the actors identified in the morning and position themselves, with direction from the group, in ways which show the various relationship among actors identified.

Evaluation: The workshop was on the whole successful in providing participatory and playful context in which to highlight questions on the economy which are easily transferrable to a larger picture.

The roleplays and Rich Person Poor Person exercise were particularly successful in that they provided the opportunity for participants to work in relatively small groups.

The afternoon sculpture activity, also useful, was difficult to facilitate due to large numbers; conducting the same activity in smaller groups might have enabled greater participation and focus.

In the final evaluation, a number of participants identified this workshop, and the simulation activities in particular, as a fun and educational activity.

See appendix for more detail.

Community Communications - Evaluation

It would seem appropriate to recognize that a smile or a chat across the dining table is community communications. Popular theatre and songwriting are important tools for communicating. This should not be forgotten when considering an evaluation of community television and newsletter reporting/photography.

The underlying philosophy of the participatory community communications practiced at the camp is a dissatisfaction with the one-way vertical structure of modern mass communications.

Last year popular video was a component of the daily process as well as one of the skill workshops. The long range goal was to train 'reporteros populares' as minimally trained volunteer reporters to work in the grassroots participatory communication process of community television. Participants were encouraged to become engaged in similar activities in their home communities. However, as yet in Newfoundland/Labrador, participants have limited access at home to community television. During the past year only the Clarenville team has really taken advantage of this medium. It would seem reasonable to expect skills in newsletter reporting/photography will be more beneficial for participants to utilize in their own communities.

The practical goals this year were a nightly videotaped news report/challenge and a daily newsletter with photographs. These goals were achieved. However, the increased production at this year's camp necessitated a rather complex coordination of roles. Before the camp, job descriptions were prepared for twelve media positions (six in news report/challenge and six in newsletter/photography). Coordinating production for each day was made the responsibility of a floating team. The focus of the floating team was to report on daily activities. Its members were to float through the sessions in order to write stories, print photos, and prepare video news. Originally it was assumed the floating team would be composed of home teams as last year. However, at the camp it was decided to format the floating teams according to cabins. This created a problem.

The intensity of the process of creating daily newsletters and video programming requires an already extant cohesiveness of a group. Floating teams should be composed of people who know and are used to working/playing with each other. The second problem with the floating team was a lack of support among session facilitators for the camp process of participatory community communications. Floating team members were being 'chain-ganged' away from communications activity to join the sessions. A third problem was probably related to the heavy workload for this year's organizers and facilitators.

It was originally planned that each day an organizer would act as advisor/parachute person for the floating team. For the most part, the parachute people remained a concept. Nevertheless, all production goals were achieved. The popular video process - with an added boost from the one-day video skills resource person - ran very smoothly with only minor difficulties in the low-technology editing application. Newsletter production was for two days the responsibility of the newsletter skills resource person.

A photography technician - because of the precision of the required skills - was a problem until a participant identified and trained himself. Youth for Social Justice has begun a library of participants' negatives.

Plans are now underway to prepare the newsletter as a newspaper-in-a-box to be sent out to teams so they can readily adapt the format for networking communication. Carlos Williams of the St. Vincent team will be adapting the newsletter concept from photocopier to Gestetner for use in the Third World.

One of Chris Sampson's (also from St. Vincent) goals at camp was to learn video skills to take back home. We have since given names of the St. Vincent team to a fisheries field worker planning production of grassroots video on the islands.

Last year it was decided to follow the participatory communication process rather than have outsiders edit the video footage for participants. The process is to first ask all participants what they want in their video; then after the camp prepare a "rough edit" of scenes; send the rough edit to all teams for approval and suggestions, and produce the final video in time for next year's camp. The process required technical assistance and encouragement from MUN Extension. This year the process is already underway one month after the camp. Participants have signed themselves up to perform the technical work and have begun to catalogue the tapes. Hopefully the process can now sustain itself without outside interference. Skills Sessions

Song-Writing - Resource People - John Phippard, Evelyn Riggs

Participants worked together to analyse issues of common concern and produce songs on them using either new words and melodies or adaptation of old ones. Some of the resulting songs were performed at the evening video reports. Songs reflected the content of the workshops in some manner. See examples in appendix.

Media Watch - Resource Person - Martha Muzychka

The facilitator used her own materials along with those of MEDIA WATCH, a national organization doing public education on the status of women and the media. Participants were lead through the exercise in analysis of a local, national and international news story with a focus on how news stories are created and delivered. A second activity looked at decoding messages being transmitted through music videos, particularly with regard to gender issues.

A subsequent activity addressed the practical tasks involved in producing a news release; deciding on an angle, research, and writing. The groups produced a news release on the kiosk construction activity. See resulting newsletter article in appendix.

Popular Theatre - Resource Person - Bruce Gilbert

The purpose of this workshop was to introduce participants to theatre techniques as a way of exploring their own issues relating to social justice, youth and oppression. Making use of Augusto Boal's " Theatre of the Oppressed" techniques, the workshop used warm up and creative expression activities like blind cars, shadowing, and mirroring - followed by sculpturing techniques for clarifying and analysing issues. " Theatre Forum" was the technique used to present new analysis and learning to the larger group. This involved audience participation whereby spectators were invited to modify a particular scene. Topics included dealing with peer pressure, sexual harassment and racism. See plan in appendix.

Photography - Resource Person - Gwen Lawson

Participants were introduced to the camera and basic principles of photography. They were given brief assignments, taken through the basic steps in film development, and taken in to the dark room and introduced to the basics in developing a print.

Video - Resource Person - Don Murphy

Participants were given a basic introduction to video equipment, operation and editing. All were encouraged to handle and experiment with the resources. The equipment was available throughout the week.

Newsletter Production - Resource Person - Lou Ellis

Participants were taken through the basic steps involved in producing a newsletter; writing articles, lay-out, graphics, etc. Workshop participants took on the task of producing the newsletter SOUND AND VISION for that day. See examples of newsletter in appendix.

Kiosk Production - Resource Person - Ray Mackey

In response to a suggestion that the camp assist the Coalition for Fisheries Survival, the construction workshop designed and built a portable display unit which was presented during the camp to a representative from the Coalition for use in their public education work. See photograph.

Other Educational Activities

In addition to the workshops, a number of other educational activities took place during the week. Most of these occurred as part of the evening news report and are worth noting.

One of the evening news reports was dedicated to a discussion on opportunities for Canadian young people in overseas development. Representatives from Canada World Youth were on hand to discuss and answer questions on the nature of that organization; Sharry Aiken - former coordinator and groups leader, Bruce Gilbert - former group leader, and Dana Warren - former participant.

One of the evening news reports included a panel discussion on the environment with Darlene Ludlow, representing the Provincial Dept. of the Environment, Dave Johnson representing the Coalition for Fisheries Survival, Carlos Williams from the National Youth Council of St. Vincent, and Georgette Foster from the Belize team. The discussion highlighted concerns from both the Canadian and Caribbean perspective. Subsequently, a group of campers undertook a number of actions on behalf of the Coalition for Fisheries Survival.

The delegation from the National Youth Council of St. Vincent and the Grenadines were featured in news reports, and they spoke of development issues within the Caribbean, particularly as they affect youth, and the role of their own particular organization.

The team representing the Innu community of Sheshashit addressed the group on their situation and were present at an afternoon screening of HUNTERS AND BOMBERS, a NFB/ Nexus/ Channel 4 production, to answer questions on the Innu history and their current struggles. This gave rise to a suggestion that the group produce a statement on their behalf. A representative from Project North spoke and answered more general questions regarding Native issues in Canada.

Theresa Newcombe, an interpreter with Parks Canada facilitated an participatory session, using theatre techniques, on the immediate environment and environmental concerns of a broader nature which was very well received.

Participant Evaluation

All participants were invited to complete written evaluations of the camp. The process was designed to get a reading of how they felt about the experience, and to identify new learning and plans. A second form was distributed seeking more specific feedback and recommendations on the various aspects of camp content and organization.

The overall message from the participant evaluation is a positive one. Returning campers speak of Camp '90 as being particularly dynamic and exciting. First time campers expressed their enthusiasm.

Suggestions for improvement were shorter workshops and the inclusion of more traditional camp activities like camp-fires and organized games. One person mentions content being one-sided. There are some suggestions for changes in the menu. A number also were critical of the early wake-up call.

In general, the participant evaluations indicated that Youth for Social Justice Camp '90 had been an exciting and educational experience for those involved.

Below is a selection of excerpts from participant evaluations:

_ I have learned a lot from the people here-especially from the Caribbean and Innu people. I feel closer to myself and to others and their concepts and beliefs....this camp has made a big difference to my life.

_ I learned a lot about Newfoundland and Youth for Social Justice issues. It has also helped me to think more critically of problems affecting our world and what youth can do to help combat these problems.

_ That youth around the world are the same in some ways.

_ I learned to be more outspoken and involved.

_ I learned so much about other cultures, and since it was person to person and not from a book, it was much more interesting.

_ I will change things and stand up more strongly on women's issues.

_ My own stereotypes have been broken down almost completely.
_ It was nice talking about culture. It would be improved where I come from there was more talk about my own culture ( an Innu way of life ).

_ I have become more aware of the environment and other people's cultures.

_ There are no "women's roles" or "men's roles" - everyone has their own unique role in life.

_ I feel I've grown more this week than ever. I've learned and was educated in new and different issues about other cultures, friends, discrimination, Innu low-level flying, etc. I have broadened my mind!

_ I learned much more than I thought about the way the media works, stereotypes - and how it is normal to have stereotypes at first, but then must change... I also learned exactly what social justice means.

_ I feel that I can show myself in a relaxed atmosphere to people I do not know. My apprehension about people from different cultures have diminished greatly.

_ I will be more active in my community.

_ I learned more about the native people of our province and why their struggle is so important.

_ I learned a lot more about gender/woman's issues and personal experience at the camp provided me with deeper insight into gender problems and issues.

_ More knowledge of the environment and the people lining in it.


These comments are based on input from the participants and organizers.

Youth for Social Justice Camp '90 was the third and largest event of its kind. It continues to stand out as the only project which responds to the need for this kind of development education opportunity for young people in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Youth for Social Justice Camp '90 was different in a number of important respects from past camps, and in many ways the most exciting. Greater numbers meant a camp which was less intimate but more dynamic than in the past. More young people were present and more communities represented than ever before. For the first time, Labrador was represented. Also for the first time, young people from the developing world were among the participants; two teams from different countries in the Caribbean made an invaluable contribution to the overall success of the event. More on their participation below.

Youth for Social Camp Justice '90 provided a forum for over 80 young people to collectively address development and social justice issues which concern them.
In terms of the stated objective of empowering youth to take initiative on issues of concern, this year's camp offered more choice in the way of skill sessions and participants were clearly more action oriented then in the past years.

The presence of young people from the Caribbean and Native communities highlighted issues in a particular way and facilitated the local to global connections.


Overall, the organizing committee is happy with the organization of the event .

Greater numbers meant moving to a new site, involving more complex transport and logistical arrangements. These plans were implemented without any major problems, due in no small part of the decision of the committee to hire a coordinator to handle many of the logistical aspects of organization.

The participation of the Caribbean teams entailed a substantial increase in planning tasks. The criteria of the principal potential funder - CIDA - Youth Initiatives - require that young people visiting from the developing world remain in Canada for a minimum period of 6 weeks. As the organizing committee were not prepared to host a visiting group in Newfoundland for this period of time, they were required to seek other groups across the country who were interested in hosting the group. This meant essentially that the organizing committee took on numerous tasks associated with coordinating a Canadian tour for the Caribbean delegation, and although this tour was by all accounts a success, it added considerably to the work load facing committee members.

A need was recognized to further define the role of returning former campers and team leaders in order to allow them to more readily take on planning, facilitation and on-site organizational tasks.


All the workshops were evaluated as having generated valuable learning. See the specific workshop evaluations for detail.

Once again the use of non-formal popular education techniques was felt to be effective; and participatory models provided a framework in which participants could explore their own experience. An effort was made to plan workshops in light of the different communities and cultures represented, and to facilitate the participation of all present.

Some found the sessions to be too long, and a recommendation has been made to offer more and shorter workshops at future camps.

The development of communications skills had featured as an important component of Camp, 89 and it was thought important that it be included in this year's Camp. Although some wrinkles need to be worked out in order that communications be integrated more effectively into the overall programme of activities, both organizers and participants see it as a strength. An extra staff person dedicated to this aspect of the camp and a more effective method of organizing the reporting teams are both recommended.


The event moved to a new site this year - Kildevil Lodge in Lomond in Gros Morne National Park. The advantages were the capacity to accommodate greater numbers and an on-site kitchen and maintenance staff whose presence was most appreciated.

The site also offered a range of outdoor and recreational activities.

The Participation Of Caribbean Youth

This year for the first time, young people from the developing world - the Caribbean - among the participants at Youth for Social Camp. Their presence and contribution was recognized as invaluable by both organizers and participants.

The Caribbean participants made an important contribution in a number of respects. Their presence provided for many the first opportunity of extended cross cultural experience with young people from the developing world. Within the workshops they provided direct experience of youth within the developing world.

Workshop were planned so as to facilitate the participation of the Caribbean team. The workshop on the economy, for example, included a roleplay which was situated within a Caribbean context. Throughout the week's activities, issues of common concern were brought to light; environmental awareness, the role of the media, youth unemployment, literacy among them.

Learning generated by their presence worked both ways. Both Canadian and Caribbean participants identified significant exchange and learning. As two Caribbean teams were in attendance the camp also provided the opportunity for intraregional networking.

The Caribbean participants met separately to evaluate the experience. They assessed the event in generally positive terms. They felt they had been made welcome. Numerous issues of common concern had come to light; youth unemployment, literacy struggles, and the problems of living within a peripheral economy were among those cited.

Among their suggestions for future camps was the inclusion of more practically-oriented activities; a construction shop, or a community-based work project. They referred to the work-study camp of the National Youth Council - St. Vincent and the Grenadines where each year an attempt is made to complete a facility for the use of local community.

The Participation of Native Youth

This year, organizers implemented the recommendation of encouraging and facilitating the participation of Native youth from the province; Nain and Sheshashit both were represented.

Their presence was valuable in a number of respects. For many of the participants, Camp 90 provided their first cross cultural experience involving young people from Native communities in the province. Participants were introduced in a direct and concrete way to a number of important development concerns which are particular to native communities. A number of actions were initiated, for example, in support of the Innu struggle against the militarization of the homeland.

The Caribbean participants expressed their satisfaction that they had the opportunity to meet youth from Native communities, and learn about their concerns.

Throughout the Camp, it became clear that many problems facing the developing world were also issues within the Canadian context and that Canadians can benefit from learning more about Native history.

The organizing committee for Youth for Social Justice Camp '90 makes the following recommendations to the organizers of future camps.

1. The development of communication skills should be a stated objective, and planned as an integral part of the camp programme in such a way as to ensure that all participants have "hands on" experience with available resources. Extra staff is necessary to facilitate this process.

2. The production of a daily newsletter should be maintained. A camp radio station might also be considered.

3. Organizers should devise ways to ensure that the content of the video report reflect the days learning.

4. More traditional social activities - camp fires, sing-songs, etc. - as well as more organized recreational activities should be included in camp programme.

5. The participation of youth from the developing world should be considered a priority at future camps.

6. The participation of youth from Canadian Native communities should be considered a priority.

7. The programme of workshops should offer more options and shorter workshops. A effort should be made to allow more practically-oriented "hands-on" activities.

8. An effort should be made to involve the camp participants in the experience of actual communities in the area.

9. Assuming future camps will host similar numbers of young people, more staff are necessary - with more clearly defined roles. The position of coordinator should be maintained.

10. Roles should be defined for returning campers in the planning and implementation of the camp. A training week-end might be considered.

At least three former campers should be on organizing committee.

11. Encouragement should continue to be given to campers to initiate action during the camp on issues covered within workshops.

12. The role of the team leader should be more clearly defined and given more specifically defined tasks.

13. The early morning activity should be a matter of choice, and various options should be offered, including quiet activities like yoga.

14. A mechanism should be devised whereby each staff person take responsibility for well-being and participation of a certain group. All teams should be assigned a specific staff person with whom to consult on an ongoing basis.

15. Future camp might incorporate an on-site construction project; one suggestion is to contribute towards making the site accessible for the disabled - approaching the owners of the site with a proposal to share the costs.

16. The task of securing funding must be started at least 6 months before the event.

17. An entire session should be dedicated to the youth network, and action plans.

Youth for Social Justice Camp 1990
Cross Cultural Awareness
August 13, 1990

By: Bruce Gilbert/Sharry Aiken

To build our understanding of our own culture and the cultures of others, so that we can live together in a more tolerant, peaceful world.

Specific Objectives:

To share and discuss our cultures and communities.
To get us thinking about our own stereotypes and ways we can address them
To set the time for the camp/have fun/get to know each other.


1. Introduction
9:30 - 9:45 Why this session?
Popular education approach (our roles etc.)
Outline of goal/objectives/activities

2. Defining Culture
9:45 - 9:55 Break into small groups

9:55 - 10:00 Describe the task - preamble (brief)
In small groups brainstorm the things that make up your cultures
Explain techniques of brainstorming

10:00 - 10:20 Brainstorming in groups

10:20 - 10:40 Plenary - open question - what did you come up with?
Fill in the gaps of "culture pie"

10:40 - 10:45 Describe mural activity - represent your culture
Divide into groups - you'll have to make some decisions re: how to do it, we leave that to you.

10:45 - 12:00 Coffee break, mural creation.
(Facilitators float to keep it "general")

12:00 - 12:10 Creation of "gallery"

12:10 - 12:20 Tour of "gallery"

12:20 - 12:30 1 minute synopsis by spokesperson from each group (optional)
Remind re: pen and paper for afternoon session

12:30 - 2:30 Lunch break

2:30 - 2:40 Preamble - glasses metaphor - link culture and stereotypes - define stereotypes; images we have of a group of people based on inaccurate or incomplete information" (give examples..and ask group for examples)

Activities - Word Association/Photos (individually - pen and paper)

Assumptions: What do you Say?

1) Someone who always shops for bargains is.....
2) Someone who is vegetarian is.....
3) Someone who never looks you in the eye is.....
4) Someone who writes poetry is.....
5) Someone who is unemployed is.....


2:45 - 3:10 Break into 15 groups (same groups as am)
Looks at photos and answer q's - share your responses to both activities.
Re: What you wrote down (10 min.)
Then pass out the task sheet (15 min.)

What does this person do?
Where does this person live?
How much money does this person make?
Would you like this person as a neighbor?
Why or why not?

3:10 - 3:20 Energizer

3:20 - 3:50 Reconvene and break up into new groups and facilitators debrief the activities - make the links from stereotypes - prejudice - discrimination - make the links from the personal - community (facilitators have task sheet)

3:50 - 4:00 Mini blurb on reflection/evaluation
Reflection on a significant learning

What's the most important thing you learned in this session today?

One thing that could be improved is..... (on scraps in box.)

Popular Ed Approach - goals and objectives.

Task Sheet For Facilitators

Report Back: ask people to share some of the highlights from their previous group discussion related to task sheet #1.

Facilitate a group discussion based on the following points:

The different assumptions that are made about people from the same information - and why.

That assumptions are often formed by visuals and/or verbal factors - and that thus often leads to misconceptions about others.

Pursue the assumptions that have been made in the responses and the underlying values placed on peoples behaviors - ask participants to discuss the relationship between their assumptions and values and to examine how these influence their behaviors and attitude toward others.

Ask participants the following questions:

Can you see any relationship between assumptions and stereotyping?

What is the relationship between stereotyping and discrimination?

Have you ever experienced discrimination - or, have you ever witnessed discrimination?

What can be done to prevent discrimination? (Explore links from personal - community - global)
Task Sheet For Discussion Groups

_ What previous information were you relying on in giving your answers to the statements and/or photos?

_ Why did answers differ?

_ What were the clues in each statement or photo that stirred up your responses? Why?

Youth For Social Justice Camp - August 1990
Gender and Development Workshop


1. To begin to identify "gender" - attitudes, behaviors and stereotypes, and how these affect us in our lives and society.
2. To define "development", and examine women's roles and men's roles in our communities.
3. To provide information and educational tools that we can bring home and use.


9:30 Introduction: review objectives and agenda.

9:40 Warm-up: set the tone and get the ball rolling.
Round the circle, 1-word reaction to the following:
- "A beautiful woman is like a nuclear power plant." (Magazine ad)
- "Has men's liberation gone too far?" (Chapter heading)

9:50 Role-Play: examine "gender" in our lives.

Everyone is asked to take on the role of a person of the opposite sex, first at a cocktail party of a "Rural Development Conference", and then at a morning workshop discussion of men and women's roles in our communities.

10:20 Discussion of Role-Play: debriefing. Small group discussions with reports of main points to the large group.

- How do you feel? What did you learn? What did you see?
- What does this tell us about our attitudes and stereotypes?
- How do we develop these attitudes and stereotypes?
- What roles do men/women play in your communities development?

10:50 Break

11:00 Community Profiles: analysis of gender in community.

Warm-up: the group is asked to create a body sculpture of first a "men's development machine" and then a "women's development machine".

11:10 Brainstorm: working definition of "development".

11:20 Film: "No Way Not Me". Mini-lecturette on Newfoundland and Labrador situation, with some statistics on global situation of women. Calculate the statistics from the film for camp participants.

Some statistics from the film:
- There are 500,000 single parent families in Canada. 85% of these are headed by women. 60% of these live in poverty.
- Women in Canada earn $.64/$1.00 earned by men.
- 75% of the minimum wage earners in Canada are women.
- One in 6 women in Canada lives in poverty; this 50% more than men.
- Two out of 5 marriages end in divorce. 75% of the women receive no child support. Women's incomes as a result of the divorce decrease by 73%.
- 14% of single parent families in Canada are headed by men. Men's incomes as a result of divorce increase by 42%.
- 10% of the Members of Parliament are women.
- Only 7.5% of the professional and administrative positions in Canada are filled by women.

11:50 Discussion of film: Small group discussion with reports to the large group.
- What did you think of the film? Did you learn anything new? How did the film relate to your experience/community?
- Is there "equality" between men and women? Who has the power?
- Is sexism like racism? Is the oppression that men and women experience in our society the same?
- What are the barriers to women's involvement in development?

12:30 LUNCH

2:30 Actions and Strategies: develop vision for change and develop action plan. Any one of the following:

- Forum theatre. Develop skits in small groups on situations/obstacles identified earlier in the session. Perform skits to the large group. Repeat the skits and ask people in the audience to replace the oppressed character (the one with the problem) in the skit and play out a solution. The audience can call out "Magic!" if the solution is unrealistic. Repeat each skit until a number of possible solutions have been explored.

- Small group drawing of new vision of "community development", including men's and women's roles, followed by presentations to large group.

- Small group discussion to develop action plans to address issues identified in the morning session. Presentation to large group.

3:40 Evaluation: "gender" analysis of workshop and evaluation of the day.

- Analysis of gender breakdown in workshop (# of participants, parity in discussion, participation, decisions, etc. Examine these for the camp overall. Suggest the groups monitor gender parity for the rest of the camp.

- Workshop evaluation: likes/dislikes/learnings/how could we have done it better?

Environment Workshop

Overall Objective

To create an awareness of the linkages between global environment issues and local development so that participants can integrate practical environmental education and action into their daily lives.

Guiding Thread

An holistic approach will be used to examine the environment in terms of culture, political policy, social development, economics and technological advancement. Throughout the workshop the focus will be on thinking globally, acting locally and sustainable development. Practical and real life examples will provide much of the learning opportunities.


Part I

The workshop will start with people's

Theme: Community experiences and perceptions of "good" and "bad" environment practices. The concept of sustainable development will be explored.

How: Participants will use map to identify their community and environmental issues, then they will build a collective mural focusing on protection, conservation, health, hazard, destruction and depletion.

Part II

Theme: To examine and analyze a variety of environmental impacts that link global happenings to local initiatives. The focus will be on consumption patterns, fragile, ecosystems, plundered resources, climate crisis, waste, and squandered energy resources. The development of new skills to assist people in creating awareness of environmental issues will be practised.

How: - overhead presentation and discussion
- playing of the game - How Green are You?
- Group poetry writing
- Group environment game development

Part III

Theme: To examine the environment of a community, namely Trout River through videotape for analysis and discussion.

How: Visit Trout River, interview local people and videotape areas of good and bad environmental practices. Discussion in the community to follow, hopefully with local young people.


1. General Discussion - Possibly in groups to report back
- What are our sources of information?
- Print? Broadcast?
- Who controls/determines this information?

2. Collage Exercise
- Examine images of certain groups in mainstream magazines
- Images of third world, native people, women
- Distribute task sheet

3. Debrief
- Each group explains main findings
- How findings re-enforce misperceptions, prejudice implications for us

4. Introduce video "Magic in the Sky" with questions on control of media in Atlantic Canada, Native Communities, Caribbean
- Question of Cultural Pride, Erosion
- Impact of dominant TV on culture

5. View "Magic in the Sky" in light of questions

6. Bringing the lessons home
- How to ensure more community control over information
- How to critically interpret dominant media

WORKSHOP PLAN - Saturday, August 18 - Y.S.J.C. '90

Material Resources - Glossary of Terms

1. The Global Economy - General Discussion (Small Groups?)
- Definition of Economy
- Who participates
- Is there equal participation?
- "First" and "Third" worlds - discuss

20 min

2. Identify main players in global economy and within Caribbean and Atlantic Canada - Produce name tags
- eg. Multinationals, work force - Third and First world,
IMF, Government, etc, Free Trade, GST

15 min

3. Sculpture Exercise
- Position "players" in relation to one another
- Input from group, discuss options

45 min

4. Debrief sculpture exercise
- Reflect on method itself
- Emphasize dynamic aspects - eg. Things always changing.
What are people fighting for? How can people work together?

30 min

5. View excerpt - 15 mins. - from video "Supercompanies" which focuses on activity of multinationals in Carribean
- Post task questions. Elicit other possible questions - Who Gains? How much? Who loses? Who is in control?

15 mins
- Possible video excerpt on the Activity in Canada?
6. Discuss questions
- Discuss economic development in Atlantic Canada in light of video and task questions.

20 mins

7. Bringing the lessons home
- How - within our own society - to encourage genuine democratic participation in determining the nature of economic activity.

Popular Theatre Plan

Introduction Game - name
- a little about yourself and your community
- in pairs

What is Popular Theatre?
- problem of issue based
- meant to clarify issues and lead to action
- the intent is to bring about change in ones life and/or society
- not necessarily an audience involved
- similar exercises to drama etc. But less product orientated/more process

The Proposed Workshop
- review the plan
- we will explore our own issues related to a theme that we agree upon
- we will do it for ourselves in terms of understanding our issue more clearly
- we will also step out of the process from time to time to talk about how we can use it at home and/or how to duplicate it
- we will discuss where and when to use it

- But ...we will also present (what we choose to) to the rest of the camp (audience) because a) they may learn from what we've analyzed and b) because they too may be interested in using this tool.
- But we won't present only....we will attempt to get the audience involved in our theatre re: at the news report time

- Body Warm Up
- Trust Walk/Circle
- Blind Cars
- Shadowing (in pairs)
- Shadowing (following Re: Faces)
- Face to hand
- The Ball Game

Brainstorm Themes
- related to social justice and youth
- themes that involve us (What Do We Have In Common?)
- issues and/or problems that you face
- what bothers you about life?
- what would you like to see changed?
- what are you frustrated with

- Sample Topics Are:
- environment
- feeling powerless
- discrimination
- peace
- poverty

Choosing a Theme
- try to find one that all can relate to
- perhaps we can combine certain themes

Words related to the theme?
- list all the words that you think of when you hear the word/term
- brainstorm

Sculptures Circle
- form a circle facing out
when you hear the word and then a clap turn to the inner circles and strike a pose
( to get us warmed up)
- use most of the words and add others
- do 5 or 6
- then do it again and add words

Group Sculpture
- clarify theme or sub-theme
- discuss how to present it
- individuals begin to build a sculpture that represents
- what makes it difficult to solve this change this situation
- others add and subtract
- brainstorm obstacles and difficulties
- begin with 1) the situation as it is, 2) build it as it should be (the vision) and
3) then as the strategy for change

Real Life Story Sharing
- a time when I ..........
- in small groups
- present back to other groups
- where things worked out and where they did not

Snap Shot Series
- tell stories

Examine Stories and Look at Change

Forum Theatre
- based on real life situations
A) a story that doesn't work out
(What could have been done)
B) a story that is at a crisis point
(What can you do now)

Rehearsal of Possible Action Responses

Youth For Social Justice Workshop Plan

Part One: News Analysis

9:00 - 9:30 Roundtable Introductions

9:30 - 10:30 News Analysis
- Examine the placement and emphasis of three stories in Telegram, Globe, CBC, and NTV. (Use attached questions as guide for discussion.)

10:30 - 11:30 Report back and discussion

Two Options

11:30 - 12:30 More discussion

11:30 - 12:30 Review 10 minutes of Dream Worlds

Afternoon Session

2:30 - 3:15 Writing a News Release

3:15 - 4:30 Practical Work


1. Where are the stories placed? Do they grab your attention or did you skip over them?

2. What is the main idea or central issue? How do the stories differ in focus?

3. How are they covered? Is it a local reporter doing a stand-up report or is the news reader reading a blurb, or is it a reporter from another network? Is it a local write-up or is it a wire story? Is it short, long, have lots of pictures, tables, etc?

4. Who is the centre of attention? Is there a local angle on a national story, or is it something of interest only to local viewers/readers? Is there a class, gender, rural/urban bias?

5. Is the story important? Is it more important or less important than the other stories? Why or why not?

6. What kinds of choices were made in the news coverage? Can you list some reasons why those choices were made?

7. How did the coverage or reporting style affect the way you understood the story?
8. How do you think your message would compete with these other stories? How would you make it important, different, or essential to viewers and readers?

Youth for Social Justice Camp '90 Third Annual


Youth ages 15-18, returning to High School in September '90, in teams of 4 from across the province.
An interested adult from the school or community is encouraged to attend.

This is the third year for the Youth For Social Justice Camp. This innovative event combines traditional camp activities with workshops on current social justice issues, and skills training (eg. video, song writing, drama, photography).

August 13th - 19th.

Lomond's in Gross Morne Park.

To encourage youth to take on leadership roles in their community and schools with regards to organizing events related to human rights, social justice, peace, and development.

The Organizing Committee:
- NF and Lab. Human Rights Association
- The Peace Centre
- St. John's Oxfam
- NF and Lab. Association of Youth Serving Agencies

Resource Organizations:
- Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Organization
- St. John's Peace Centre
- St. John's Oxfam Committee
- Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Youth Serving Agencies
- MUN Extension


In our schools and in our towns,
See those rich dudes running around.
See them dancing on the desks,
They think that they are the best.
Other kids they are put down,
No one ever hears their sound.
If they should talk back or speak out,
The teacher always kicks them out.

Have you ever witnessed discrimination?
Talkin' about a serious situation.
Have you ever been the victim of discrimination?
Or have you been guilty by association?

Try to be a teen today,
You will see it does not pay.
Walk into a shop and find,
The people think you commit a crime.
Teenage mothers soon will see,
She lose her sense of dignity.
Getting by on welfare pay,
There has to be a better way.

In Newfoundland and Labrador,
Discrimination's at our door.
Your sex, your race, religion too
Determine how folks think of you.
If you can't read and you can't write,
You'll find you'll have a bigger fight.
Let's get together, everyone
Put discrimination on the run.

Chorus (Repeat twice)

Written by:
Roxanne, Angela, Sheila, Trevor, Shawn, Tristy, Tammy, Lori, Deidre, Ken, Leah, Elfreda, Tara, Andrea, Colleen, John, Evelyn

Wednesday, August 15, 1990 Kildevil Camp, Lomond, NF
The Evening Telegram, Wednesday, September 5, 1990

They Support the Innu

The following is a copy of a letter addressed as indicated.
Right Hon. Brian Mulroney
Prime Minister
Government of Canada
Ottawa, Canada
K1A 0A2

Dear Prime Minister Mulroney:

We, the youth for Social Justice Network, represent 18 youth groups across Newfoundland and Labrador along with two groups from the Caribbean. We are writing to express our concern about NATO military flight training over the Innu homeland Nitassinan (Labrador/Quebec). We are demanding that you stop the NATO training in this area. Our demand is based on the following information.

Nitassinan rightly belongs to the Innu. There has never been a treaty or land claims agreement that gave the Canadian government ownership of the land. Therefore, there should be no use of this area without permission from the Innu.

The military flight training violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom's fundamental protection of the life and security of the person. As well, the Royal Proclamation of 1763 guarantees the rights of First Nations.

Canada has to reverse its present attitudes and shameful history concerning its treatment of Native Peoples. It is important to note that the Canadian Indian Act passed by the federal legislature was used by the South African government as a model for apartheid. Also, Canada's general evaluation of natives as second-class citizens has given our country an unacceptable reputation at the United Nations. This injustice against fellow Canadians must not continue. Canada is a country with rich multicultural roots, Innu are not the least of these.

The Innu should be allowed to enter the bush without fear or threat of low-flying planes howling as close as 25 feet over their heads. The Innu look toward the land as a place for food and enjoyment. Their closeness to the land allows for their culture to be strengthened by unity only realized in this special environment. Due to military exercises in this area animal populations have been forced to feed mostly at night when the noise level has decreased.

The Innu have repeatedly found fewer and less healthy or dead animals as a direct result of this training. Also, lakes and rivers are left with an oily slick. The bombing range area has been devastated and, for the most part, emptied of wildlife. The Innu are especially concerned about health problems such as hearing loss and miscarriages that are caused by fighter jet noise. Dangerous and life-threatening situations are becoming a greater concern now that three jets have crashed in the area during last Spring alone.

The Cold War is over. Canada prides itself as being a peace keeping nation. Yet, it allows this type of war training to continue inside of its borders. The Innu should be able to live their own way of life and learn about ours, just as we live our own culture and should make an effort to learn about theirs.

Mamu Nikakaniunan Eshemashikamant.

Sincerely Yours,
Baptis Nei
Youth for Social Justice Network
Adopted at the Youth for Social Justice Camp 1990

August 18th, 1990

Dear Prime Minister Brian Mulroney,

We the young people from the Caribbean countries of Belize and St. Vincent and the Grenadines find it strange that we are visiting a country, considered to be developed, to discover that a native people, the Innu are being denied their way of life, freedom and security, a right clearly spelled out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom 1981 under the sub headings "Legal Rights".

This injustice is being carried out through the military training now being practiced in Nitassinan, Labrador/Quebec.

We think that such military training is not called for in Nitassinan and it:

1. Contravenes the call for world peace. (How could Canada be a peace keeping country in NATO when it is setting the stage for confrontation in it's backyard.)

2. Interrupts the culture of a people who depend on their land for a living.

3. Infringes on the peace and tranquility of the people who interfere with no one.

We call on you Mr. Prime Minister to exercise your power and terminate with immediate effect the military training in Nitassinan, Labrador, until some concensus is reached between the Innu and the Government.

They are unique people with a unique culture that is part of your history.

Stop Military Training in Nitassinan NOW.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines


Sound and Vision
Youth for Social Justice
August 19, 1990

Elfreda Joseph, St. Vincent, told us early in the week what she wanted from Camp '90 was to get her picture on the front page of Sound and Vision. So here you go, Elfreda; we love ya! Bon voyage!

Editorial: Let's get together!

Back in 1988, when I first heard of a new project called The Youth for Social Justice Camp, I was immediately intrigued. I attended the first camp and promised myself I would take part in consecutive camps and events involving the Youth for Social Justice Network.

The opportunity to gain knowledge with social justice issues was one reason for my extreme interest. The other reason involved the amazing friends I met at the camp. Never before have I come across such a mesh of fantastic individuals, and it was these people that were the key factors in the success of the camps.

I'm the first to admit that I was very intimidated by the thought of 90 people from different backgrounds and worried about how we might all interact. I am more pleased than ever to say that I personally find this to be the best group of individuals ever assembled in one place.

Thank you all for one of the best times of my life.

Sound and Vision Staff

Editor Karmella
Photos Bill
Typists Ethel

Reporters Alan

Cartoons Paddy and Gerome

Empty Nets by Jim Payne

Get up in the morning at a quarter to four
Try not make much noise as you go through the door
Jump in the boat you can hear the gulls roar
At the start of a brand new day
Fire up the engine you're ready to go
Head out the harbour you don't want to be slow
What's out there today well you never know
Just hope that it turns out OK

'Cause it's empty nets that's what he gets
When you're out on the water no time for regrets
Those empty nets that's what he gets
How's a poor fishermen to pay off his debts
When he goes out each morning to haul empty nets

You can blame it on the foreigners blame it on the feds
You can cast all the blame on each other instead
But when all's said and done it's still something I dread
To have Newfoundland give up the fishery
What of our communities will they just die
Pack up your duds give the mainland a try
But I'm staying here til someone tells me why
I should put up with this misery

Here's to the plant worker toils on shore
And waits for the fishermen to catch a few more
And then pack it up for the grocery store
Til it ends up on somebody's table
How can they feed multitudes with fishes so small
How can they feed families with no fish at all
Get down on your knees for a miracle call
But we'll stick it for as long as we're able

Here's luck to the fishermen he'll need it I know
As he bobs on the ocean God bless his poor soul
May good fortune follow wherever he goes
To keep him from debtload and danger
And wherever you live no matter which bay
May bankers and loanboards not stand in your way
May you bring home a boatload each single day
And to poverty ever be a stranger

© Jim Payne for the Coalition for Fisheries Survival and MUN Extension Fisheries forums entitled Empty Nets June 1990.

Coalition for Fisheries Survival

The problem facing our fisheries is overfishing. This a problem of ecology.

But there's more. As the fish go, so do hundreds of communities throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.

If we can't rebuild the fish stocks to the point where they can handle consistent and productive fishing, capable of providing the men and women who depend on them with a decent standard of living, we may as well give up and be moved to Toronto.

The Coalition is fighting for the survival, not only of the fish stocks, but of ourselves as a people.

The Coalition is asking all of us, from every community in Newfoundland and Labrador, to join in the battle.

COALITION - a joining of groups with different beliefs and values; a joining, sometimes temporary, to achieve a common goal.

The Coalition for Fisheries Survival began at Gander in March. Its members are the Newfoundland and Labrador Fixed Gear Committee; the Inshore Fisheries Improvement Committee; the Newfoundland Inshore Fisheries Association; the Fishermen, Food and Allied Workers Union; the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union; the Federation of Co-operatives; the Newfoundland and Labrador Association for Adult Education; the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Municipalities; and the Newfoundland and Labrador Rural Development Council.

The Coalition Platform is based on conserving our fisheries resource and preserving our rural communities.

1. Reduce the allowable fish catch and let the stocks rebuild.
2. Stop fishing the spawning grounds during the spawning season.
3. Eliminate foreign fishing within the 200 mile limit and extend our jurisdiction of the Grand Banks.
4. Fishing gear technology must not destroy the ecology.
5. Government must effect a long range plan to rebuild and sustain the fishery resource. Both levels of Government must come clean and admit that the resettlement program of the 1990s is well underway. The future of the fishery industry cannot be left to survival of the fittest. Diversifying the economy is not an alternative to our fishery but a supplement.
6. The people of this province not the multi-national companies must own the fishing resource.
7. Government should implement a buy-pack program for people who want to leave the fishery.
8. Fish plants should not be mothballed; people depending on the fishery should be compensated until stocks are rebuilt.

Politicians from both levels of Government need to be stirred up to speak up.
Their responses must be related to conservation of our fishery and our communities.

For information on what you can do, contact:

Coalition President Bernadette Dwyer 627-3452
Vice President Pat Cabot 927-5733
Secretary Elaine Condon 651-2330
Treasurer Tony Collins 256-8833

Prepared by Memorial University Extension Services

Best Camp Ever

Stop, listen, and take action are simple terms that describe this camp. The mixture of national alities, cultures and opinions set the stage for electrifying and emotional events. Bring 90 youth of different backgrounds together anywhere, will be an interesting event. This year's camp lives up to the title Youth for Social Justice. Every year we have discussed these topics. This year we are actually getting involved and taking action. This shows that Youth for Social Justice is a growing force and one to be reckoned with. I take off my hat to all of you people involved with the Youth For Social Justice Network.

Nukun Mamu Tshekaniuiant Eshimashikamant.

Alan Doody

Your Page....

The music starts, everyone's listening
People's feet start to move each pair differently
You feel so free like a bird
And inside you're soaring without a single care
Everyone's friends, equal in solidarity
A peaceful feeling surrounds the air
And you're flying with everyone laughing around you
But then the music ends, the feeling leaves you
You remember your problems and the worlds around you
You feel guilty for being so happy
With your world slowly dying a painful death.

Andrea C.

This beautiful jewelry of ours.
Belize a beautiful country caressed by the Caribbean sea,
molded with the war hospitality of friendly people,
secluded by beautiful cayes.
The sand, sea and sun that attract tourists to our country.
The beautiful trees, the cool waters from the mountain
and people of different faces united under one flag.
Belize land of the free by the Caribbean sea.


As the days at camp go floating by, I feel I need to cry.
Memories will remain with me but friends will I ever see?
Beautiful mountains and clean streams so clear but hazy as if in a dream.
Kind and wonderful faces all surround me
All from different places with wonderful personalities.
I'll miss the camp with all my heart but next year's camp
will be a brand new start.


What is Peace-A-Chord?

Peace-a-Chord is an annual two-day outdoor concert in St. John's Bannerman Park. It features over 200 mostly local musicians, comedians, actors and speakers all working around a social justice theme. Each year a different theme is chosen.

Youth for Social Justice has a core group of youth volunteers organizing with the help and support of individuals, the business communities and groups such as OXFAM, Human Rights Assoc., Peace Centre, and various grant supporters.

To bring together people from all walks of life to celebrate human talent and to learn about local and global issues and how they affect us. Every year since 1985 so we just completed our 6th year.

Remember When...

Since this is the last newsletter of Camp '90, I thought it should contain a few notes to aid our memories in days to come... How about when Dewayne and Bart got stuck on the other side of Bonne Bay in their canoe. And when Becky, Indiana Fred and co. got lost on Gros Morne? And Terry Ryan found his underwear on the flagpole? The concert at picnic table lounge and the news following it? Did you notice how there was always a lot of guys in the girl's cabins?

Go Fly a Kite!

In the early 1970's the St. John's Kite Festival was created, the purpose being to gather people together, fly a kit, and have a good time. The festival occurred each summer until problems with the site and other outside complaints brought it to a stop. It's been about eight years since the last festival. St. John's Kite Festival Revival Committee are planning to revive the festival on September 8th of this year. The site is the provincial agricultural farm in St. John's/Mount Pearl. Big Brothers are involved in the festival, and it also coincides with an agriculture fair. So come into town and go fly a kite!

YFSJ Support Coalition

As each of you know, our province has been hit by a serious fisheries crisis. For hundreds of years our ancestors have fished to make a living and if our fish plants should close down due to low fish stocks, our province will become an economical devestation area.

Here at the Youth For Social Justice Camp '90, we feel that this is a serious problem which needs an immediate solution. We have decided that there is something that we can do to fight and try to make a difference.

To do this, four main things come to mind. First, we will write press releases to put in local newspapers. Second, we have signed a petition to see how many youths were interested in joining the coalition for fisheries survival. Third, we got those interested to sign postcards which will be sent in bulk to our Prime Minister Brian Mulroney to notify him of this pressing issue. Finally, as we all know, we presented the kiosk to Dave Johnson of the coalition.

As of now, we have 70 postcards signed and 65 names on the petition. We encourage people to sign the petition and postcards will be available to bring to your home communities.

Thank you.

Khrista Spearns
Vicki Martin

Click on the photo to go to the YSJ discussion board.