Network 22 Reboot !
The Network has been on the go now for eleven years. It began as a Rural Secretariat sponsored unconference at the Cottage Hospital in Norris Point. The original goal was to support community radio volunteers.
You can read all about the 11 year evolution in the sidebar, but essentially we have managed to host an "meeting" every year since, usually as a layer on Ryakuga's collaborative production of community media special events.
The NL community radio movement didn't expand like we anticipated in 2011 and we expanded our network to include all community media.
Then came Co-Vid: in 2019 there wasn't a single Ryakuga collaborative special event.
In 2022 there have been community radio special events in Flat Bay and Tilting but we were too busy to add the layer of a Network conversation.
So what does a reboot of the Network mean on December 30, 2022?
We are proposing that instead of relying on other events to sponsor and unfunded Network, we host Conversations and Discussions throughout the year and share
the information through Zoom<, Internet Radio and Podcasts, and, of course this website.
Here are a few suggested topics of interest to an initiative trying to promote Networking for Sustainable Rural Communities.
1. Sustainable Outports.
2. Outport Outlaws: the Criminalization of a Traditional Way of Life.
3. The Rural Urban Divide.
4. Functional Broadband and Cell Coverage for Rural NL.
5. Education in Rural NL.
6. Rural Fieldworkers.
7. Grenfell Outreach and TRSU.
8. Local Control and Self Governance.
9. Support for Rural Heritage Initiatives.
10. Community Before Profits.
11. Community Development Practice and Theory.
12. Networking During Co-Vid.
13. Digital and Face to Face Networking.
14. International Linkages.
15. Network Weaving.
16. Food: Local Farming and Fishing.