Note: This page dates from 2009. Staff from the Rural Secretariat, MUN and Ryakuga met to discuss the potential of community media in rural NL. This informal discussion group was called the Rural Communication Sustainability Initiative.
The big picture is a communication strategy to engage 509,200 people.
The picture changes if we refocus to only include participatory communication (do-it-ourselves) with dialogue.
Essentially there are four communication layers:
1. Within professional and special interest groups 2. Between professional and special interest groups 3. Professional and special interest group facilitation of communication with the public 4. Public discussion (unfacilitated).
Communication tools, from a meeting room to an i-phone, are used to enable discussion. There is a link below to a list of potential communication tools.
During citizen engagement projects in the 1990s, we developed Community Communication Needs, Skills and Resources Assessments. See the link below.
Is NL primarily an oral culture? (as suggested by Doug House - Against the Tide, p. 43) If so, this would have to inform any communication strategy.