Click on the logo to view one version of the history of participatory communications in Newfoundland and Labrador.

1984Community television public forumRobinson-McKay's
1986Program director for public TV programs
Computer used for news on cable TV
1988Community television transmitterLa Grand' Terre
1993Series of community television forumsPort au Port
1995-97Communication for Survival community television forums in Cap-St Georges, La Grand' Terre, L'Anse a Canards,
Lourdes, Stephenville, Ramea and Burgeo
Sou'west Newfoundland
1995Volunteer community television on cable channelLourdes
1995Community radioLa Grand' Terre
1996RED board public consultation on community TVZone 9
1997CFS volunteers participatory communication conferenceStephenville
1997Ramea broadcasting telethonNorth America
19978 CIS workers in 7 sites in 4 communitiesSou'west Newfoundland
1997CIS participatory evaluationSou'west Newfoundland
1998Communication coordinator combines community radio and cable TVLa Grand' Terre
1998-99Youth, the Environment and the Economy conferences use Sharing Our Future communication toolsStephenville
1988-99Isle aux Morts CIS FRAM workers teach communication skills to seniors (others do job search and make web sites)Isle aux Morts
1988-99CIS worker and Ramea Broadcasting facilitate youth news showRamea
1999High school initiates community communications courseBurgeo