Sharing our Futures Adult Workshop
August 15, 2002


Jesse FudgeSandi Barter-Martin
Don TulkV Harris
Tracey SnowMary Barter
Bev KirbyJohn MacPherson
Leanda MorrisSusan Hulan

What are some of the topics of facilitated events

Oil & Gas Forum
Weekly TV
Ex-patriot em-mail data base
CED Forum
Importance of community communications
Future of community TV in Bay St. George
Violence against women
September 11th (role of community)
Pre taped programming (ie Stephenville SEP)
Local events (sports)
Newspaper column
Weekly community events
Voisey Bay
Date rape/Violence
Burnt Island Beat

Senior newsletter
Capturing senior stories

Facilitating meetings

Forestry forum
Breast cancer
SOF Promo
Web casts (CED)
Highlight positive ventures

Live Radio
Elder connection (newsletter)
Ex-patriot links
Applying for radio
Document history of communities
Local discussions - idea generation
Connecting people - linking email, snail mail
Playground committee
Monthly newsletter
Web page development


youth activities day
media club
get connected day - partner CIS, CYN

Roncolli Radio
School news - national site for teens
Forestry management
Telesat - video conferencing
Broadcast to other schools
Rocket Man - partnership built and shared with school
Archives (digital)
Internet download video (ie: NF culture)
Roncolli to digitize and download to school net
Are willing to digitize for other communities
Reach for the top (Burgeo/Ramea)
St. Boniface book of records
Heritage/cultural celebration

What do you see as barriers? Please identify some local issues.

Bad experiences with CBC in community (ie: Burnt islands people not comfortable - passage to Burnt Islands)

Old video that mis-represent our communities/people/culture'

Satellite dishes

Access to high speed Internet
Transitional workforce
Out migration
Volunteers (lack of sometimes)
Access to airwaves (modulator-Stephenville)
Understanding the value of being engaged
Who is listening

What are some of the challenges of facilitating discussion?

Access to resources
Making people feel part of the process - ownership
Intimidation ie: appearing on TV
Technological intimidation
Intimidating to "stand by" controversial issues.

Are there examples of what worked well?

Cultural celebration pieces
Youth involvement
Sense of community involvement
Discussions in about local community
Utilizing existing resources
Physical location
Skill development in youth
Inclusiveness in promotion of forums/events/programs
Communication between groups, communities
School net
Video archives
How to videos - how to make a lobster pot
Please make sure all videos are warehoused - L.S. Eddy
Linking to schools - ie: media programs/access to resources
Network of innovative school
Describe what you would do differently?

Looked more into radio for the pen
More planning
Active committees - people who are there because they are interested
Connection to schools - we need to explore all avenues of partnering to schools to ensure Sustainability
Meetings & workshops held outside of schools (youth enjoy other environments)
Committee comprised of good representation of community - All peninsula involved.

Do you see a relationship between the SOF process and Community Economic Development? Please give some examples (jobs created, increased awareness.....)

Community involvement for all individuals - informed, participate (call-in)
Sharing of resources - schools, business, SOF, community
Information sharing
Creates networks - opportunities
Need for facilitated process
Valuing the role of facilitators in process
SOF provided opportunity for information sharing
Information sharing being aware will create jobs eventually
Helps youth find direction/explore options.

What benefits have you seen in the community as aresult of this process? Please give some examples.

Skill development
Positive attitude toward community communications
People working together
Gives seniors/people who can't participate a chance
Skill development
Positive relationship between youth & adults
Exemplifies what CED is about
Self-esteem for youth
Open to everyone - inclusive
Intergenerational mixing
Tapping into volunteers
Evolution of attitudes ( pride in community)
Youth awareness - concerns, issues, opens up dialogue for youth
History documentation

What unique qualities of your community made the process work?

Bay St. George South:

Local Service District & Development Association - integrated
75% said they would help
High ratio of volunteers

Port au Port Peninsula

Community rivalry
Being attached to development association
Common goal to work together
Youth volunteers
Partnerships - CEN, PAPEDA,Schools

Burnt Islands

Group of community working together
Cooperation from council and community
2 youth interns
School participation/cooperation

Port Saunders - Roncolli

School, CAP, SOF, innovative schools
Lots of access to equipment
Youth volunteers
Dedicated teachers/mentors
What's out there and good planning around it
In school can make it "school thing"
Access to resources
Built to curriculum


Diverse culture
Strong sense of partnership
Good base of volunteers
Control of what they are doing
Good economic base
Stephenville Theater Festival
College headquarters
Youth very dedicated

Job Description - Changes?Additions?

We like it as it is
Needs to be adopted by community
Facilitator role needs to be flexible and adaptable to community
Everyone is different - what works somewhere may not work somewhere else
Less emphasis on technology, more emphasis on communication/dialogues
Technology important to reach all groups

Sustainability - How?

Human Resources
Both volunteers and paid positions
Many partners who feel sense of ownership
Exploring funding options
Integration in other organizations and schools
Further explore partnership with personna