Suggested Sharing Our Future Community Media Assignments - 2006

1. Brainstorm story ideas in the community and school. Post the flip chart or list on the wall.

2. Brainstorm who can be interviewed in the community (or communities) and school. Post the flip chart.

3. Brainstorm potential advertisers on community radio.

4. Assign a few interviews. Use watching the interviews for training purposes.

5. Think "mixed media". Record the interviews with a video camera but think of using the audio for radio and the newsletter.

6. Use the Community Media project (including the community radio) as a source for stories. Even regular reports can be rewritten as community news.

7. Use the website resource material to trigger a discussion on what is community news.

8. Ask each intern to review the job description and fill out the self assessment form.

9. Ask each intern to fill out the community assessment form.