Ryakuga Community Communications Needs, Skills and Resources Assessments

These community communications needs, skills and resources assessments were originally written in 1994 for the Youth For Social Justice Network. The goal is to gather information so a communication strategy can be developed that is based in the community - as opposed to being imposed from outside.

From the beginning it was recognized that community groups can either try to access the resources of mainstream communications (such as commercial radio stations and newspapers) or develop their own resources in the communities. For example, a poster in the grocery store is still a very effective communication tool.

These mapping assessments became part of the monthly reporting process during the Communication For Survival/Communiquer Pour Survivre initiative. It was then discovered that it is necessary to constantly update the assessments to reflect what's happening in the communities. Why? Well first, rural Newfoundland is in a state of constant outmigration (whether to Corner Brook, St, John's, Halifax or Toronto); also we want to be inclusive of all community members and we want people to feel invited to come onboard at any time. Finally, we want to recognize the capacity of volunteers in the community - we don't expect volunteers to be available "around the clock"; indeed, there may be a special event once a year that a person wants to support.

The links below will take you to the assessments (both mainstream media and do-it-ourselves).

1. Click on the link to go to the page. In the Navigator browser menu select File/Save As - Text (in Explorer it's called Plain Text).

2. Go offline and start up your email software. Select File/Open "Communication maps".

3. Fill out the forms. Place an X on the line in front of the resource available in your community. Fill in the who/where information. Use the return key to space out the form.

4. In your email software menu select Edit/Select All. Select Edit/Copy.

5. Using your email software, send a message to share@ryakuga.org. Subject is maps. With your cursor in the box where you write your message - Select Edit/Paste. Your "Communication maps" will be pasted into the body of the message.

6. Go online and send the message. Save your communication map for monthly updating.

Partager Notre Avenir/Sharing Our Future facilitators are requested to update these community communications needs, skills and resources mapping assessments each month.

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