Sharing Our Future is an experiment in participatory communication - specifically the discussion of local issues and cultural celebration.

Working through local facilitators and committees, it aims to develop a network in rural Newfoundland which will serve the needs of the communities, as well as professionals working in community based education, health and economic development.

The basic principles of Sharing Our Future are All the Voices; local control; positive mirroring; inclusion; youth power, and collaborative facilitation. Sharing Our Future currently has 27 partners.

Long Range Regional Economic Development Board

Community Education Network

Communities In Schools Newfoundland

Association Regionale De La Cote Ouest

Office Of Learning Technologies

Ryakuga Grassroots Communications

Sir Wilfred Grenfell College

Conservation Corps Newfoundland And Labrador

Port Au Port Economic Development Association

Stephenville Lions Club

Cormack Trail School Board

Bay St. George South Area Development Association

Burgeo Broadcasting System

Ramea Economic Development Corporation

Ramea Broadcasting Company

College of the North Atlantic

Community Access Program

Communication For Survival


Town of Burnt Islands Recreation

Avalon Gateway Regional Economic Development Board

Fatima High School

Marine and Mountain Zone Corporation

Humber Economic Development Corporation

St. James School

Persona Communications
