Photo of Communication for Survival planning meeting, Burgeo, 1996.

Click on the photo for a slideshow of Extension flyers 1991 (flyers designed by Gerry Porter).

A brief to the President from the Division of Extension Service
Memorial University of Newfoundland by David Curran, February 27, 1991

The role of the university in society as long been the subject of debate. During times of fiscal restraint such as we are now experiencing,
the debate is considerably more heated. No one disputes the notion that universities exist to contribute to the community of which they are
an essential component and to contribute to the body of human knowledge. The debate is generally over the most appropriate way in which
universities can make these contributions.

Some people argue that university's responsibility to its community is only to conduct research and to teach students. They feel that all else
is secondary and not within the mandate of a university. However, this view is much too narrow and lacking in vision. It is particularly narrow
and lacking in vision in the Newfoundland context, where such a view is detrimental not only to the University but also to the Newfoundland society as a whole.

The university's mission is first of all to be relevant to the society and culture of which it is part. This means that it should strive
for excellence in matters most relevant, and ways which can best contribute to that society, given the available resources.
The founders of Memorial University recognized that the institution should take the province's under developed, decentralized and
rural nature into account. To paraphrase the province's first premier, "Memorial should be a small university
with a large extension service". Perhaps we've grown into a relatively large university, but the need for a
large extension service still remains.

Given the context of Memorial University is a sole university in a province caught in the throes of a serious social and economic crisis,
early leaders at Memorial placed a high priority on helping to facilitate social, economic and community development. It was largely
due to this kind of foresight that Memorial's Extension Service was able to develop into a center of excellence which not only serves
people of the province well, but also brings national and international acclaim to the university.

Extension's mandate is to assist the people of Newfoundland and Labrador realize their potential by engaging with them in a process
of social animation and by providing learning opportunities. Over the past 30 years we have helped hundreds of communities
and thousands of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to improve their social, economic and cultural well-being. While much
has been accomplished much more remains to be done.

Often the core of the required resources for development already exists in the communities, and it only needs to be identified
and kick started into action. The needs are different in each community of what remains the same is that most underdeveloped
communities need external agencies to help them identify their strengths and weaknesses, to articulate their visions,
and to start into concerted, positive action.

The point at which community education and development agencies have to intercede in the development process must be at the community
level. Communities cannot wait for the trickle-down effect that may never come. Development has to begin in the community, with
community organizations and with individuals who can never expect to otherwise benefit from the resources of the university.
Some peoples' sons and daughters will have the privilege of receiving a university education, however, Newfoundland still
has the lowest proportion of its young people attending university of any province in Canada. (On the other hand,
Memorial's Extension Service probably constant contact with proportionately more citizens than any other extension service in
Canada.) So we have to ask "what of the hundreds of thousands who find themselves in rural communities which are continuing
to decline because of lack of organization, motivation, inattention and inappropriate solutions being applied by potential
helping agencies?"

Much is being said of the new community college system in the province. Some people see those colleges and their outreach functions
as perhaps negating the importance of university outreach. Without detracting from the value of the colleges, is essential
to look critically at the way in which they operate and what they are attempting to do, and to distinguish them from the work
which extension is traditionally done in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. For the most part, community colleges developed
campus-based programs either based on their diagnosis of what is required or what is most viable and profitable. The emphasis
is on the program, on the classroom, and on preparing for particular occupations. This is important and it is needed.
However, colleges do not do, nor are they ever likely to replace or reduce the need for the kind of work
which extension has been doing over the years. Nor do the many government agencies do the kind of work at extension does.
Governments tend to work "top down" with an emphasis on promoting overall policies, some of them and keeping with the desires
of communities and regions, some of them not. Extension tends to work from the bottom up, with an emphasis on helping people
to realize their potential, as they see it.

For the most part, the Extension Service has worked in the realm of what could be called "in situ development", serving people
and their organizations in their own communities. Donald Snowden's comment on extension fieldworkers some 15 years ago still
remains true today:

They are like no other fieldworkers in the province for, unlike all others, they do not work to time framed objectives imposed externally,
nor programs with evidence conclusions. Rather, they work out from within, shaping their actions and programs to the changes
that are taking place where they are and to the shifting educational needs and desires of rural people.

On one level, we work with communities directly; on another level we work with community development practitioners - including volunteers
and civil servants - sometimes as trainers of trainers, filling another important gap in the community development process. We attempt
to remain on the "cutting edge" of community development theory and practice, and the utilization of media and other facilitating tools,
and we pass it on. This is an appropriate role for university and no other agency or combination of agencies but the University is equipped to take on this role.

Extension recognizes that education and an informed and involved citizenry are among the key ingredients in the development process, but this work
does not begin and end with development in the socio-economic or even rural sectors. Extensions contribution to the development of arts and culture
is, likewise invaluable to this province. Extension arts education program has remained the only comprehensive source of instruction available
to the general public and working artists in the province. It provides foundation training for young students who wish to pursue intensive academic
programs now offered on the West Coast of this province, and the other provinces. It also provides important professional development opportunities
for the province's working visual, print and performing artists. Extension resources have contributed to many of the finest artistic creations
and to the development of a creative climate, the like of which is not known anywhere else in Canada.

Similarly, our contribution to the general public by the way of our personal and professional development programs had, over the years
been enormous. Drawing on the extensive and diverse human resources of the University and the general community we are able to deliver
programs with a variety and quality which are unmatched in this province.

If studies and reports are anything to judge by, then extension ought to have little concern for its future. Without exceptions
these studies have confirmed and vigorously lauded the work of extension as a very essential element in the development of this
province and a most appropriate function for this, the only university in the province.

See list of studies.

The current financial crisis facing the University is a very difficult one and all elements of the University must rightly be examined.
However, no matter how severe, financial exigencies alone must not be allowed to dictate policy. In financial terms
the Extension Service represents less than 1% of the total university budget - .84%. The issue of Extension Service
is fundamentally a policy issue. If we accept that it is part of this university's mission to be relevant
to the society and culture of which it is a part, then it follows that its Extension Services ought to be
an essential part of the University's operation.

Aukupation photo by Friends of MUN Extension, May, 1991

Obituary for MUN Extension Service by Don Balsom, March 14, 1991

The decision of the University to eliminate the Extension Service is outrageous and a betrayal
of the ideals on which this University was founded.

From the beginning, Memorial University College had a strong outreach orientation, its programs limited
only by the scarcity of resources. The first president, John Lewis Paton strongly believed in serving the whole
community and not just the intellectual or moneyed elite. Innovative programs were begun such as the
navigation school and an impressive program of evening courses which found ready acceptance.

However, concern was expressed that such opportunities did not exist for adults living outside St. John's.
Application was made to the Carnegie foundation for funds to address this problem. In 1926, there was no public
library in Newfoundland although residents of St. Johns had access to library services through a variety of organizations.
The Carnegie Corporation came through with an allotment of $5000 for traveling libraries which distributed books to 150
communities from the southern Avalon to Cartwright, Labrador by coastal boat. This was the beginning of the extension service
concept - whereby resources for adult learning were extended out to rural communities rather than harboured in St. John's.

In 1929, renowned adult educator Albert Mansbridge came to Newfoundland from England to establish a branch of the World
Association for Adult Education.
The first president, Dr. W W Blackhall, in his inaugural address stated:
"Surely, here we have a valley of dry bones and need a quickening spirit. It is my opinion that adult education,
properly organized, can furnish this quickening breath and give new life to these dry bones".

For the next 25 years there was a growing awareness of the need to expand learning opportunities for adults,
however a worldwide depression and war restricted the college's ability to enlarge its activities. Nevertheless,
support for the idea of extension programs such as those developed and used successfully by St. Francis Xavier University
in Nova Scotia continued to grow. Dr. George Hickman Dean of education, wrote a paper in 1942 making a strong case
for an extension service at Memorial as did Dr. A C Hatcher, Dean of arts. Upon his retirement Dr. Albert Hatcher, the
first president of Memorial University, made only one recommendation - that a department of extension the established.

The leading educators of this period felt that Memorial University must serve all the people of this province regardless
of where they live and not the exclusive preserve of a privileged elite. Premier Smallwood declared that he wanted Memorial
to be a large extension service with a small university tacked onto it - not the other way round -
that extension be at the core rather than the periphery of the University.

Despite the considerable support for the idea, it took Memorial 10 years to establish the department.
Smallwood grew impatient and commissioned two studies of the matter.

The first, by retired president of the University of Alberta, Robert Newton, recommended at such a department be established,
and made suggestions for the types of programs to be offered - community art and drama; courses in agriculture, household science
and handicrafts; and discussions on public affairs such as the Canadian Association for Adult
Education's Citizen's Forum on CBC radio.

The second report by Raymond Miller, a noted adult educator from Washington DC, noted that the greatest teachers
of all time had been teachers of adults including Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Jesus Christ and Mohammed.
He said that "Christ's precept to his followers to go into all the world and preach the gospel is a succinct statement
of the fundamentals of extension". Miller suggested that a department be set up on the model of the US land-grant colleges
which applied the research of the college scientists to the problems of rural people. He recommended programs the established
at Memorial and fisheries, home economics, community planning, engineering, credit unions, and transportation, and that it make
extensive use of radio and television, and fieldworkers to bring the University to the people to whom it belonged.
Miller also suggested that the extension service have its own plane to reach remote communities.

Miller's boldest recommendation - number 16 - was that the University evaluate the needs and desires of the people
and gear its services accordingly, rather than impose upon them what a few highly educated experts felt they should have.
After years of sometimes open debate with President Gushue and faculty recruited from outside the province who wanted a more
traditional liberal arts university, Smallwood awarded additional funds to establish an extension service.
The first director, John Colman, an Englishman with experience in University extramural studies in Africa,
implemented many of the programs recommended by Miller, including regionally based community development fieldworkers,
Decks Awash television and magazine and a major initiative in the arts, with classes in drama,
music, painting and drawing. Artist Christopher Pratt was the first curator of the art gallery.

It was Don Snowden who led the Extension Service to become, unquestionably, the most significant organization in this province
in the century. In 1967, working with Colin Low of the National Film Board, Snowden began the now internationally renowned Fogo films.
Working with the priest, Father Desmond, they formed the Newfoundland and Labrador
Rural Development Council and the Newfoundland and Labrador Food and Allied workers Union in 1968 - 69.

Other organizations formed with assistance from the Extension Service include the Arts Council, the Crafts Council, the Native
Association, Labrador Inuit Association, the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra, CODCO, Figgy Duff, the Mummers Troop
and innumerable fisherman's groups, community councils, glee clubs, and dance troupes.
The Extension Service touched on every aspect of the economic, social, cultural, political life in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Extension Service never belonged to the University. Many of the faculty and staff thought the kinds of activities
Extension was involved in did not belong in a university.

There is ample evidence of rivalry for resources, blatant acts undermining its credibility and legitimacy. There was never
sufficient space or adequate facilities. The department has been moved every few years to other, usually less accommodating quarters.
It's units were dispersed in five or six locations around the city. It was saddled with administrators who were versed only
in their narrow intellectual discipline and who showed little interest in the programs, people,
philosophy or clientele of Extension.

During the 60s, 6% of the university budget was allocated to Extension. At its peak in the 70s, Extension attracted millions of dollars
in external funding. But, from the early 80s it was governed by a policy of attrition. In 1984, the annual report shows that more
than 157,000 people - one third of the province’s population - had been involved in some Extension sponsored activity.
Extensive research into other similar departments in universities in Canada or elsewhere can find no equal. The Extension Service
was better known in this province, in Canada and internationally than the University itself. Yet it received only 2.8% of the total
budget and had been subjected to several years of intensive reviews by committees of academics and administrators.
This had a demoralizing effect on staff. Many of the best left. Some became seriously ill. The remainder struggled on under
a cloud of uncertainty, trying to keep alive the noble ideals of responding to the identified needs of our rural population with relevant
information, advice, appropriate program, and most important, much-needed support for initiatives which preserved, strengthened
and acclaimed community values, needs and aspirations.

It is clear from the evidence that Extension, during the 80s was managed by a policy of attrition, not unlike that of Canadian
National Railways which downgraded, underfunded, and reduced the quality of service of the Newfoundland Railway, to the point
where CN could make the case that there were other and better alternatives available. The president of Memorial during those years,
Leslie Harris, told senior members of the extension service during the early 80s that the provincial government had pressured him
to reduce or eliminate the extension service, and in one budget year, the minister of finance withheld a portion of the approved
University allocation equal to the allotment for Extension. The Board of Regents and senior administrators responded to this
unprecedented interference into the affairs of an autonomous institution, by reorganizing several departments into a school
where extension was relegated to a much lower status. A department which had been for decades, the most visible manifestation of Memorial
University's central role in the life of this province had been reduced to a mere shadow of its former self.
The director who had traditionally reported to the president who reported to the premier on politically sensitive matters,
now reported to a Dean who reported to the academic vice president, neither of whom had any knowledge or shown
any interest in the work of extension or of the concerns of the people of rural Newfoundland and Labrador.

Today its budget is approximately 1% of the university budget - approximately $1 million - a fraction of the cost of
the new building presently under construction to provide larger offices for those who administer the University.
This is clearly a signal to all of the dramatic shift in priorities of this institution. Yet the work of the Extension Service
is still held in high esteem by adult educators and community development workers around the world. Its innovative approaches
to addressing the needs of rural people are employed in projects currently underway in Thailand, Zambia and India employing
former staff of MUN Extension and adapted and employed in many other regions of the world. There is no better illustration of
the words "the prophet is not without honor, save within his own house", and "beware the Ides of March!".

Links to Newfoundland and Labrador Community Radio and Special Events

Radio Bell Island

Voice of Bonne Bay

Coastal Community Radio

Bay of Islands Radio


Click on the text to link to archives of
NL participatory community media special events.

Sharing Knowledge and Building Capacity for Regional Development Conference - 102.5 FM in St. Anthony - November 15 to 18, 2016.

Feile Tilting 16 - 105.9 stereo FM in Tilting, 104.7 Centre of the Island and 102.5 in Fogo - September 22 to 25, 2016.

North West River Beach Festival 31 - 92.5 stereo FM in North West River and 95.1 in Happy Valley-Goose Bay - July 23 to 24, 2016.

Fogo Island Development Collaboration Radio (June 1 to 5) 105.9 stereo FM Fogo Island Central; 104.7 in Tilting; 98.7 in Fogo; 102.5 in Seldom, and 95.1 in Stag Harbour - June 1 to 5, 2016.

Network 16 - Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve (May 27 to 29, 2016) - live on internet radio.

Cape Shore Working Together Radio (May 26 to 29, 2016) - 104.7 stereo FM in Branch; 98.7 at Cape St. Mary's; 95.1 in St. Bride's, and 92.5 in Placentia.

Network 15 - October 22 to 24 at 7 pm NL time - live on internet radio.

St. Anthony (October 22 to 24) Iceberg Community Radio 102.5 FM from the Grenfell Interpretation Centre.

Tilting and Fogo (September 16 to 20) Feile Tilting 15 - 104.7 FM from St. Patricks Hall and 95.1 at the Marconi Interpretation Centre.

Corner Brook (September 9 to 10) The Future of Nature Conference -100.1 FM - broadcast from Grenfell Campus.

Miawpukek First Nation (July 29 - August 2) broadcast and webcast their 20th Powwow - from the Conne River band office and the powwow grounds.

30th North West River Beach Festival (July 25, 26) celebrated its 30th anniversary - FM/Internet Radio from Striver with a repeater station in Happy Valley/Goose Bay.

Bay St. George Live: Making Connections through the Airwaves project (June 11-13) featured programming from the Bay St. George mi'Kmaq Cultural Circle in St. Georges, the Centre de Les Terre-Neuviens Francais in Cape St. George, and the L. S. Eddy complex in Stephenville.

Placentia and the Cape Shore (May 5 to 8, 2015) The Placentia Area - Cape Shore Coomunity Connections presented Making Waves for national Mental Health Week. 92.5 Stereo FM in Placentia; 104.7 in Branch; 95.1 in St. Bride's and globally on Internet Radio..

Newfoundland and Labrador (October 22 to 25, 2014) The fourth annual meeting of NL community media volunteers - Network 14.

Conche (October 22 to 25, 2014) The outport of Conche hosts Network 14. Conche Internet Radio had 269 households listening while the kitchen party had a virtual audience of more than 80 guests.

Tilting (September 18 to 21, 2014) The 6th annual Feile Tilting festival. 105.9 FM in Tilting and 104.7 in the centre of the island. Tilting is now the NL community hosting the most community radio special events.

North West River (July 26 to 27, 2014) The 29th annual North West River Beach Festival. 92.5 FM in North set River and 95.1 in Happy Valley/Goose Bay.

Ferryland (May 12 to 16, 2014) Southern Shore Sounds 2014 from Baltimore School. This year's frequencies were 96.3 FM in Ferryland; 92.5 FM in Fermeuse, and 100.1 FM in Cape Broyle.

Happy Valley/Goose Bay; Grand Falls/Windsor; Corner Brook, and St. John's (February 7, 2014) The NL Voluntary and Non-Profit Secretariat (Office of Public Engagement) hosted a 2014 Multi-site Community Summit Engagement.

Tilting (September 19 to 23, 2013) Feile Tilting 13 was combined with Newfoundland Labrador Irish Connections for a celebration of Irish/Newfoundland Culture. Broadcast on 105.9 in Tilting and 102.5 in Fogo Central.

Baie Verte Peninsula (August 22 - 25, 2013) The Gathering, 92.5 in Burlington/Smith's Harbour and FM 100.1 in Middle Arm.

North West River (July 27 - 28, 2013) North West River Beach Festival, 92.5 FM in North West River and 100.1 FM in Happy Valley/Goose Bay.

Corner Brook (June 10 - 15, 2013) All the Voices from CU EXPO/Network 13 June 10 to 15.

Ferryland (April 29 - May 3, 2013) Southern Shore Sounds from Baltimore School.

Norris Point (October 2, 2012) CURRA Symposium Session on Community Radio moderated by Ivan Emke. Webcast by Ryakuga; broadcast/webcast by VOBB.

Tilting (September 19 to 23, 2012) Tilting, a National Historic Site of Canada and Newfoundland's first provincial registered Heritage District, celebrated Feile Tilting 12.

Fogo Island (August 5 - August 12, 2012) The communities of Fogo Island celebrated their Island Vision with a week of community radio. The celebration included festivals in Joe Batt's Arm and Brimstone Head.

North West River, Labrador (July 28 - July 29, 2012) The North West River Beach Festival celebrated its 27th anniversary with an FM Radio broadcast and simultaneous webcast.

Cape Shore and Placentia (May 7 - May 10, 2012) Branch Town Councillor Mallary McGrath coordinated a four community event which featured big participation by Cape Shore youth.

Bell Island (March 19 - March 24, 2012) Radio Bell Island was on air and on line to support Network 12. The community raised enough money to buy the equipment for a radio station. They expect to have their own community radio station this year.

Flat Bay (January 19 - January 20, 2012) The Flat Bay Band Council hosted a community radio special event in Bay St. George.

Cuslett (November 20 - November 25, 2011) Tramore Productions hosted a community radio special event to enhance their TIOW project: Creating Opportunities in Cultural Arts/Community Enhancement & Community Radio Communications.

White Bay (November 14 - November 17, 2011) The communities of Jackson's Arm, Pollards Point and Hampden collaborated in a regional community radio project.

Bonne Bay (October 20 - October 23, 2011) Participants at the Network 11 Unconference created a provincial network of community communications practitioners. Network 11 was a participatory communications networking event hosted by the Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital (Julia Ann Walsh Heritage Center), the Voice of Bonne Bay (VOBB), and the Bonne Bay Marine Station. The event was supported by the provincial Rural Secretariat, Memorial University Grenfell Campus and the Red Ochre zone board.

Tilting (September 9 - September 11, 2011) Feile Tilting 2011 was on air September 7 - 11 from St. Patrick's Hall in Tilting. Ryakuga partnered with the Town of Tilting; Tilting Recreation and Cultural Society; Irish Business Partnership; Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Fogo Island Co-op to bring you the broadcast and webcast of Feile Tilting 2011. This year we also placed a repeater transmitter in the school for better island coverage.

St. Anthony (June 9 - June 14, 2011) Iceberg Radio 102.5 Stereo FM was on air 9 to 9, June 9 to 14, from the Grenfell Interpretive Centre in St. Anthony. Partners in the event included The Community University Research for Rural Recovery Alliance (CURRA), Grenfell Historic Properties and the Town of St. Anthony.

Cape Shore (May 17 - 19, 2011) The Cape Shore Community Radio committee used stereo FM radio to broadcast the Fatima Academy Spring Celebration. This year the broadcast was heard as 95.1 FM in St. Bride's, 98.7 in Point Lance and 104.7 in Branch. The event was also webcast as QuickTime MP4. Partners in the event are Fatima Academy; Tramore Productions; the Rural Secretariat; Avalon Gateway Regional Economic Development Board; College of the North Atlantic; Town of Branch; Town of St. Bride's; the Branch Cultural Historical Association, and the Cuslett Recreation Committee.

Conche (May 9 - 10, 2011) Conche Radio 103 FM was a collaboration of the The French Shore Historical Association and Memorial University - Grenfell Campus.

Burnt Islands (May 4, 2011) The Skills Link Media Interns produced Coastal Community Radio's second Radiothon. They raised $1,528 for a new transmitter. The radio station has been on air for five years.

Bell Island (March 14 - 20, 2011) The Town of Wabana and St. Michael's school hosted a week long simulcast. The event was supported by the Rural Secretariat.

Norris Point (November 10, 2010) The Voice of Bonne Bay and Ryakuga webcast a meeting of the Rural Catalyst from the Bonne Bay Marine Station. Mobilizing Research in Rural NL: Next Steps was organized by Ivan Emke and hosted by CURRA community coordinator Anita Best.

Tilting (September 9 - 12, 2010) Ryakuga partnered with the Town of Tilting, the Ireland Business Partnership; the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Fogo Island Co-op to bring you the broadcast of Feile Tilting 2010. Featured this year was simultaneous broadcasting with Community Radio Youghal in County Cork, Ireland.

Norris Point (July 22-25, 2010) The Voice of Bonne Bay (VOBB) and Ryakuga collaborated to broadcast/webcast Norris Point Come Home Year. Ryakuga donated its 102.5 FM station to the community for the event.

Norris Point (May 14 - 23, 2010) The Voice of Bonne Bay (VOBB) and Ryakuga collaborated for the third consecutive year to broadcast the Trails, Tales and Tunes community music festival. We broadcast at 102.5 stereo FM from the old cottage hospital in Norris Point. The event was also Shoutcast.

Bay St. George (March 22 - 27, 2010) It was the first special event to feature a week of theme days - each with its own coordinating group. The Sonic Potluck Celebration was a partnership of the Rural Secretariat, the Long Range RED Board, Communities In Schools, the Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism and the College of the North Atlantic.

St. Bride's (March 2 - March 6, 2010) The special event simulcast was Tramore community theatre's tenth anniversary celebrating the oral history, tradition and cultural diversity of the Cape Shore. Partners in the event were Tramore Productions; the Rural Secretariat; Avalon Gateway Regional Economic Development Board;Fatima Academy; College of the North Atlantic; Town of Branch; the Cuslett Recreation Committee and Ryakuga.

Norris Point (October 27 - 31, 2009) The Voice of Bonne Bay community radio group, sponsored by the Community - University Research for Recovery Alliance broadcast town hall meetings on rural issues. The broadcast-webcast was supported by Ryakuga, the College of the North Atlantic and the Victoria Freenet.

Tilting (September 18 - 20, 2009) Ryakuga and the College of the North Atlantic partnered with the Irish Newfoundland Partnership, the Ireland Business Partnerships; the St. Patrick's Club, the Tilting Recreation and Cultural Society to bring you the broadcast of Feile Tilting 2009.

Norris Point (May 14 - 25, 2009) The Voice of Bonne Bay community radio committee, Trails, Tales and Tunes Festival committee, the Bonne Bay Heritage Corporation and Ryakuga produced the second TTT radio broadcast from the cottage hospital. The event was also webcast thanks to the Victoria FreeNet.

Corner Brook (February 20 - March 1, 2009) Ryakuga loaned its portable radio studio to the ECMAs. Journalism students from the College of the North Atlantic worked on the broadcast. It was also a kickoff event for the Bay of Islands Community radio group.

Cow Head (September 17-20, 2008) Ivan Emke facilitated the second Community - University Research for Recovery Alliance simulcast featuring Theatre NL's Cow Head Theatre Festival. Supporting the event were Vernon Payne from Ryakuga and Ryan Hermens.

Twillingate (July 21-26, 2008) The New Rural Economy Project 2 sponsored a simulcast - FM 104.7 community radio special event and webcast for the Fish, Food and Fun Festival. Ivan Emke facilitated the project with support from Ryan Hermens and Ryakuga.

Burnt Islands (June 10-13, 2008) - Ivan Emke and Krista Lee Keeping facilitated the first Community - University Research for Recovery Alliance simulcast and the first anniversary of CHBI. Ryakuga and the Victoria FreeNet supported the webcast.

Norris Point (May 16 - 25, 2008) Ryakuga and the Community - University Research for Recovery Alliance is partnered with the Trails, Tales and Tunes Festival, the Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital Heritage Corporation; and the the Julia Ann Walsh Heritage Centre, the Town Council of Norris Point to bring you the Voice of Bonne Bay.

Burnt Islands (November 29, 2007) - CHBI Coastal Community Radio hosted its first Radio Thon.

Click here to hear Holly Keeping's on-air announcement.

Burnt Islands (May 15, 2007) - Ryakuga joined the celebration of Burnt Islands' new community radio station - CHBI - 95.7FM.

Listen to Ivan Emke's Coastal Radio song.

Twillingate (October 11 - 15, 2005) - Ivan Emke and Jennifer Butler took FM Radio 104.7 to Big Lessons from Small Places: A Forum on Governance in Rural North America and the North Atlantic Rim. Photos by NRE2.

Burnt Islands (July 19/22, 2005) - It was the week of Burnt Islands Come Home celebrations and Sharing Our Future Youth 2005 were on-air for a 104.7 FM radio special event.

Tweed (October 13 -15, 2004) The New Rural Economy Project sponsored a simulcast - FM 104.7 community radio special event and webcast for the Canadian Rural revitalization Foundation.

Stephenville (September 27, 2004) The Rural Secretariat and the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Newfoundland and Labrador Division sponsored a simulcast - FM 104.7 community radio special event and webcast.

Burnt Islands (July 14 - 16, 2004) The Town of Burnt Islands celebrated the opening of its Hook and Line Interpretation Centre with a simulcast - FM 104.7 community radio special event and webcast.

St. John's (October 28 - 30, 2003) - The final Tuning in to Climate Change media event was webcast as 20 kbps dialup audio and broadcast on 101.1 FM from the Visitors' Centre in Signal Hill National Park.

Terra Nova National Park (August 5 - 7, 2003) - The third Tuning in to Climate Change media event was webcast as 12 kbps dialup audio and broadcast on 104.7 FM from the Marine Interpretation Centre in Terra Nova National Park.

Corner Brook (May 27 - 29, 2003) - The second Tuning in to Climate Change media event was webcast as MP4 audio and broadcast on 102.5 FM from the Forest centre at Sir Wilfred Grenfell College.

Kippens (April 29 - May 1, 2003) - The first Tuning in to Climate Change media event was webcast as MP4 audio and broadcast on 104.7 FM from the Kippens Community Centre.

Piccadilly (March 30, 2003) - The ninth Enlarging the Circle media event, the annual meeting of the Port au Port Economic development Association, was webcast as QuickTime audio and broadcast on 104.7 FM.

St. David's (March 29, 2003) - The eighth Enlarging the Circle media event was webcast as QuickTime audio and broadcast on 104.7 FM.

St. George's (March 27, 2003) - The seventh Enlarging the Circle media event, the 25th anniversary celebration of the St. George's, Flat Bay - St. Teresa's Youth Organization, was webcast as QuickTime audio and broadcast on 104.7 FM.

La Grand' Terre (le 26 mars, 2003) - Engrandir le Cercle 6 - radio 104.7 emission locale de L'Ecole Ste-Anne

Robinsons (March 8, 2003) - The fifth Enlarging the Circle media event was webcast as QuickTime audio and broadcast on 104.7 FM.

Stephenville Crossing (March 7, 2003) - St. Michaels School produced a full day of programming and Ryakuga broadcast the special event on 104.7 FM.

Stephenville Crossing (March 6, 2003) - The fourth Enlarging the Circle media event, facilitated by the central youth initiatives committee and the Stephenville Crossing youth, was webcast as QuickTime audio and broadcast on 104.7 FM.

Corner Brook (Feb 28, 2003) - Ryakuga webcast The Whiskey Mystics from the Blow Me Down Ski Park. But you had to be there to dance.

McKay's (Feb 21/22, 2003) - The third Enlarging the Circle media event, the Bay St. George South Winter Carnival, was webcast as QuickTime audio and broadcast on 104.7 FM.

Burnt Islands (Feb 8 - 9, 2003) - The Burnt Islands Sharing Our Future Community Media Youth broadcast on 104.7 FM. And webcast on Feb 9.

Stephenville (Feb 6, 2003) - The second Enlarging the Circle media event, the Community Youth Network Southwest Newfoundland general meeting, was webcast as MP4 video and audio and broadcast on 104.7 FM.

Cap St-Georges (Feb 1, 2003) - The first Enlarging the Circle media event, the Winterfest Pageant, was webcast and broadcast on 104.7 FM.

St. John's, Newfoundland (Nov 30, 2002) - The Canada World Youth Netcorps present the RuCa Radio webcast.

Stephenville (Nov 2/3, 2002) - The Long Range Regional Economic Development Board Program, featuring local music, community participation and youth power, was webcast as MP4 video and broadcast on 104.7 FM.

St-Jean Terre Neuve (25/26 Octobre, 2002) La communaute francophone de St-Jean Terre-Neuve celebre ses 20 ans et pour feter l'occasion nous allons tenir la premiere emission radiophonique en francais. St. John's (Oct. 23-25, 2002) The Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador celebrated its tenth anniversary with three days of webcasting and FM Radio 100.1.

Stephenville (August 15, 16, 2002) - The webcast and community television broadcast of the first Sharing Our Future Community Media Gathering.

Stephenville (July 13, 2002) Ryakuga webcast Blues Night - acoustic blues by Neil Bishop, Dennis Parker and Scott Goudie - from the Stephenville Theatre Festival.

Burnt Islands (May 31, June 1, 2, 2002) Sharing our Future community media youth produce a community TV/FM Radio/Internet Simulcast.

Kippens (March 17, 2002) Ryakuga and the College of the North Atlantic journalism students collaborated to webcast the first Gerry Formanger Musical Tribute.

McKays (March 16, 2002) The Bay St. George and Area Development Association broadcast its annual meeting on Ryakuga FM 104.7. The event was also a Sharing Our Future webcast.

McKays (March 7, 2002) Students tape and webcast a Sharing our Future community forum at the Three Rivers Lions Club.

Stephenville (November 28, 29, 2001) The first broadcast of our new 30 watt portable FM Radio station. That simulcast was broadcast locally on Ryakuga 104.7 FM and on the internet as well.

St. John's (April 26, 2001) Best Practices from the Rock was launched and webcast from the Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador offices.

St. John's (April 27, 2001) The Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador facilitated the fourth Youth, the Environment and the Economy workshop. Youth webcast the event.

Cap St-Georges (March 7, 2001) Sharing Our Future and ARCO produce the first Ryakuga webcast - a community forum on oil.

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